Hulk Hogan Opens Up RAW
The post-Elimination Chamber edition of WWE RAW opens with Hulk Hogan immediately coming out to the ring. Hogan talks about being home. He says 30 years ago he was part of something historic — the first WrestleMania. He says he’s part of something historic right now as well — the WWE Network. He talks about the past, present and future. He officially announces himself as the host of WrestleMania XXX. His final question for us? Whatcha gonna do when the WWE Network and WrestleMania 30 run wild on you? His music hits again and we shoot to the commentary table as Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler and JBL talk some more about the WWE Network.
What’s On Tap For Tonight?
Daniel Bryan vs. Kane, a possible Brock Lesnar appearance and Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio are announced for later tonight. Batista vs. Del Rio is coming up after the break. We head to our first commercial of the evening.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Batista
When we return from commercial, Alberto Del Rio’s theme music hits. It’s time for the first match of the evening, as “The Animal” and “Mexico’s greatest export” compete in an Elimination Chamber rematch. Del Rio’s entrance wraps up and Batista is out next. The fans in Green Bay boo the hell out of Batista, proving yet again that it’s not just certain crowds, the “WWE Universe” in general wants to boo that dude.
The bell rings and Batista jumps all over Del Rio. The “Boo-Tista” chants immediately spread throughout the arena. It looks like that’s going to become a regular chant. Del Rio knocks Batista off the ring apron and out to the floor as we head to a mid-match commercial.
When we return from commercial, Del Rio is stomping away at Batista in the ring. He continues his attack on Batista as the announcers talk about the vicious streak in “Mexico’s greatest export,” a reference that they’ve said about two or three times already. They run down some current WWE-related trending topics on Twitter as Batista nails Del Rio with a top-rope suplex.
Both guys get back to their feet and start exchanging punches. The crowd boo’s everytime Batista lands a shot and cheers everytime Del Rio lands one. Del Rio knocks Batista down and is now waiting for him to get up. He goes for the superkick but misses it. Batista slams Del Rio down. He fires up and is calling for the Batista Bomb. The crowd boo’s. Out of nowhere, Randy Orton’s theme music hits. The crowd explodes with cheers. Del Rio uses the distraction to roll Batista up. 1-2-3. Del Rio wins.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio
After The Match
Orton gets on the mic and mocks Batista for the way the WWE Universe has reacted to his “triumphant return.” He says he doesn’t know if Batista can sense it or not, but the fans don’t like him very much. He says he bets Batista is sorry he came back. The crowd breaks out in a “CM Punk” chant. Batista says Orton is wrong. Batista says he loves this business. The crowd boo’s him like crazy anyway. He says he also loves that the fans have a voice. He says if the fans cheer him, he cheers them back. If they boo him, he boo’s them back. He says it’s called being real, something Orton knows nothing about. He says what matters is that he’s going to beat Orton and become the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He concludes with his new “deal with it” catchphrase.
WWE Intercontinental Championship
Big E. (c) vs. Cesaro
Before we head to another commercial, we see a split-screen shot of Big E. and Cesaro backstage heading to the ring. The two guys who just got name-changes from WWE will battle after the break. When we return from commercial, the WWE Intercontinental Champion makes his way to the ring. Out next, accompanied by both Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger, is Cesaro.
The bell rings and immediately a loud “we the people” chant breaks out from what has seemed all night to be a pretty hot crowd. Big E. gets the better of Cesaro early on. Cesaro starts fighting back, but Big E. cuts his offense short by out-powering him over and over again. Big E. keeps pounding away on Cesaro until Cesaro finally slows him down with a big boot to the face. Cesaro is now taking over the offensive flow of the match.
Cesaro keeps Big E. grounded and is working him over on the mat as a light “we the people” chant breaks out again. Cesaro does his launching European uppercut on Big E. for a near fall. On that note, we head to a mid-match commercial.
When we return from commercial, Cesaro is still in control of Big E. Big E. gets up, however, and the two trade punches. Ultimately, Cesaro is able to remain in control of the current I-C champ. Cesaro hits his big double-stomp on the chest of Big E. Cesaro hits a number of power-moves on the I-C champ, including a big gut-wrench powerbomb.
Big E. starts fighting back now as both guys trade punches back-and-forth. Cesaro hops on Big E’s back and slaps on a sleeper-hold. Big E. is able to slam his way free. Big E. hits a belly-to-belly suplex and follows up with a big splash for a near fall. He takes the straps down. He goes for the Big Ending but Cesaro avoids it and counters into a launching European uppercut on the big man.
Big E. is down and now Cesaro is calling for the Cesaro Swing. Big E. manages to use his leg-strength to kick Cesaro off of him and avoid the swing. Another loud “we the people” chant breaks out. Cesaro ends up getting a hold of the legs of Big E. out of nowhere. He begins the Cesaro Swing. He swings hmi ten times. Out of nowhere, Swagger jumps in the ring and locks the Patriot Lock on Big E. The ref calls for the bell.
Winner via Disqualification and STILL WWE Intercontinental Champion: Big E.
After The Match
Cesaro and Swagger argue as Zeb Colter tries to cool the situation down. Big E. jumps Swagger from behind. Cesaro grabs Big E. and nails him with his Neutralizer finishing move. The Real Americans music starts playing and the trio heads to the back.
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