WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (9.3)

The September 3rd edition of WWE RAW took place at the Schottenstein Center in Columbus, OH.

– Braun Strowman’s music hits, and Strowman comes down the ramp with Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre behind him to kick off RAW. We see the commentary team, and Renee Young is filling in for Jonathan Coachman again tonight. Braun, Dolph and Drew step into the ring, and they’ve got microphones. Braun shows us a replay of them beating up The Shield last week, and he says that’s justice. Braun talks about his challenge to Reigns, and telling Reigns to take his beating and accept his fate. Braun blames Rollins, Rollins and Reigns for ganging up on Braun in the first place, and without The Shield, Reigns would lose his Universal Title. Braun says he doesn’t give a damn if any of the fans like it or not. Braun tells the Big Dog that he has a pack of his own now, and this is his yard. Drew speaks up next and says they’re the new kings of the jungle here, and Drew says they will be the most dominant force in WWE history. Dolph says they’ll be more dominant than groups like the Nation of Domination, D-X, and The Shield. As Dolph talks about wanting to tear The Shield apart, The Shield comes out in the crowd to interrupt. Several wrestlers run down fro the back to try to intercept the shield, but The Shield fights them off and hits the ring. Baron Corbin calls out more wrestlers from the back to help hold off The Shield. The Shield hits the ring and fights with Braun, Drew and Dolph until more wrestlers pull them apart. They fight spills out to ringside where they get separated again, and the team of Braun, Drew and Dolph get hauled backstge first. The Shield heads backstage next, and none of them look happy.

– After the commercial break, The Shield tries to start the brawl again backstage. Police show up and arrest The Shield members, then drive off with the sirens on.

The Bella Twins vs. Sarah Logan & Liv Morgan: The Bella Twins start off strong against Sarah Logan. Liv Morgan finally gets the tag and turns things around against Brie. Brie starts to fight back, but Liv ducks a clothesline and drops her. Logan comes back and and continues the beat down on Brie. Brie comes back and hits the Yes Kicks on Logan, and then Morgan tags back in. Brie drops Morgan with a kick, but then Ruby Riott causes a distraction from the apron. Brie looks for a suicide dive on Morgan at ringside, but Brie gets caught up in the ropes by herself, and Morgan pulls her down to the floor to stomp on her. Back in the ring, the Riott Squad continues the beat-down until Nikki gets the tag and cleans house. Brie goes for a suicide dive to the outside, but she again gets caught up on the ropes and appears to land face-first on the mat. Liv rolls up Nikki from behind, but Nikki escapes and hits her Rack Attack for the three count.

Winners: The Bella Twins

– We see Baron Corbin backstage on the phone with Stephanie McMahon, telling her about The Shield being taken into custody. Finn Balor walks in and says he wants a match with Corbin tonight. Corbin seems to decline, but Balor demands his rematch. Corbin says he’s got his rematch, and he’ll shut him up in the main event tonight.

– Still to come: Shawn Michaels is in the building.

– Chad Gable and Bobby Roode do an interview backstage where they talk about teaming up tonight for a tag match. Gable says he’s been keeping an eye on Roode and likes how Roode handles the spotlight, and Gable wants in on that. They head off to the gorilla position for their match.

The Ascension vs. Bobby Roode & Chad Gable: The Ascension cuts a brief promo before the match, saying Roode and Gable couldn’t make in the singles division. Viktor and Gable start this one off, and Gable hits suplexes until Konnor runs in, and he gives Konnor a German suplex too. Roode tags in and beats on Viktor in the corner before hitting a vertical suplex. Konnor gets the tag and The Ascension double teams Roode. Viktor tags back in and works on keeping Roode grounded. The Ascension continues trading tags and beating on Roode. Gable finally gets the tag and hits a cross body on Viktor. Gable hits a cannonball on Konnor at ringside, and then back in the ring for a missile dropkick off the top on Viktor. Gable follows up with a rolling German suplex on Viktor for the three count.

Winners: Chad Gable & Bobby Roode

– Roode looks impressed with Gable’s performance and they celebrate their win.

– Elias is shown in the back discussing his new album with an unknown WWE staffer.

– Elias is in the ring now under the spotlight for a performance. Elias leads the crowd in a “Walk with Elias” chant, and then trashes Columbus, Ohio and the Buckeyes. He says he wrote a song about the rotten people of this city, and he asks everyone to shut up for his performance. Before Elias can sing, he is interruped by Alexa Bliss, Mickie James and Alicie Fox. They hit the ring and Alexa talks about being from Alexa and gets a hometown pop. She then trashes her hometown and calls them sheep. She says everything Elias said about her hometown is 100% true. Alexa comes out and trashes Trish Stratus for her action last week, and Elias couldn’t agree more. Alexa says she wants to walk with Elias, and Elias starts a song. Ronda Rousey comes out to the stage to interrupt next, and then Natalya comes out, and we have a match.

Natalya vs. Alexa Bliss: Natalya starts off strong and controls Alexa on the mat. Alexa starts to fire back, but Natalya shuts her down with a back suplex and a running dropkick for a two count. Alexa comes back with a DDT and then looks for an arm bar on Natalya. Alexa locks in the arm bar and Natalya taps out.

Winner: Alexa Bliss

– After the match, Ronda hits the ring and chases off Alexa. Alexa comes to attack from behind, but Ronda drops her. Alicia hits the ring and Ronda rag-dolls Fox out of the ring. Alexa attacks Ronda from behind now and takes out her knee. Alexa continues to beat down Ronda until Ronda fights back with punches and Alexa falls out to ringside. Alexa retreats up the ramp with Mickie James and Alicia Fox, while Ronda checks on Natalya in the ring.

– Baron Corbin is backstage berating a production assistant when Braun, Drew and Dolph walk in. Dolph and Drew want a match for the Tag Titles tonight, but Corbin says he can’t tonight because The Revival has already got the Title shot. Drew says he heard The Revival isn’t able to compete tonight, and asks what if they aren’t able to compete tonight. Corbin says if they aren’t, then he’d have to make other arranements. Drew and Dolph smile and walk off. Braun gets in Corbin’s face and tells him to find him some competition for tonight.

– The Revival is backstage for an interview, when Drew and Dolph attack from behind. They beat down The Revival around the backstage area and throw them into some production equipment.

The B Team (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre: The Revival’s music hits, but they don’t come out. It looks like Drew and Dolph will get this Tag Title shot instead. The opening bell sounds and Drew starts off strong, knocking Dallas off the apron and then hitting a belly to belly suplex on Axel. Ziggler gets the tag and goes at it with Axel, until Dallas gets the tag. Ziggler misses a splash in the corner and Dallas hits a lariat then knocks Dolph to the outside. The B Team clotheslines Drew to the outside next. Back in the ring, Drew turns things around against Dallas and beats on him in the corner. Dallas fights back with some kicks and then a DDT. Axel and Ziggler get the tags, and Axel cleans house. Axel hits a Perfect-plex and pins, but Drew breaks it up. Drew splexes Axel down, and then Dallas runs in but Drew drops him too. Ziggler and Axel get to their feet, and Ziggler hits a superkick. Drew tags in and they follow up with the double team Zig Zag for the three count.

Winners & new Tag Team Champions: Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler

– Drew and Dolph celebrate with their new Tag Title belts after the match.

– The Authors of Pain are backstage walking, and Drake Maverick is walking with them in a matching outfit.

– Michael Cole introduces a video package looking at WWE’s work with Connor’s Cure.

– Drake Maverick and the AOP come out to the ring, and Drake has a mic. Drake says he’s now the new manager of the AOP, and he’s going to make them the new RAW Tag Champs.

The Authors of Pain vs. Enhancement talent: The Authors are against two unnamed jobbers in this one. They authors completetly dominate this one from the start. They slam one jobber into the corner, and clothesline the other from the top. The Authors do the Super Collider for the win after a very short squash match.

Winners: The Authors of Pain

– We see a promotional package looking at Triple H vs. The Undertaker at the Super Show-Down in Australia.

– Ronda Rousey and Natalya are backstage then The Bella Twins walk in. Natalya says she doesn’t feel like herself and she walks off. The Bella says Ronda is the greatest women’s Champion they’ve ever had. They thank Ronda for inspiring them to come back to WWE, and offer to train with them. Ronda says Natalya has been a great training partner. The Bellas say they’ll help any way they can, and walk off.

– Shawn Michaels comes out to the ring next. Michaels gets on the mic as the crowd chants his name. He plugs his new t-shirt and the WWE Network, and then says he will personally be in attendance at the Super Show-Down in Australia. Michaels says while most WWE legnds seem to pick The Undertaker to win, Michaels and his friend Stone Cold Steve Austin both think Triple H will win. Michaels says Triple H has more gas in the tank left than Undertaker, and Triple H will assasinate Undertaker at the Super Show-Down. The Undertaker’s music hits and the Dead Man comes out to interrupt. Taker gets on the mic and says this just became personal. Taker says he’s taken Shawn Michaels and Triple H’s best shots, and he put them down. Taker says he took part of their souls, and their egos can’t accept it. He adds that Shawn Michaels is just mad because Taker took his career. Shawn Michaels says he’s a man of his word, and he doesn’t go back on what he says, staying true to his retirement. The crowd chants “one more match” and Shawn acknolwedges it, then talks about turning down the countless offers to stay in the ring. Shawn also says he has stayed retired out of respect for The Undertaker due to their retirement match. Taker questions if Shawn’s motive is respect or fear, because if he came back Taker would put him down again. Taker says Shawn knows that in Australia, Taker is going to put Triple H down again. Taker walks off as his music hits, and he poses on the stage as he heads to the back.

– Finn Balor is backstage getting ready when Baron Corbin walks in. Corbin says with everything on his plate as acting GM tonight, he can’t face Balor tonight. He says Balor will still get a match tonight, but it will be against Braun Strowman.

Sasha Banks & Bayley vs. Dana Brooke & Ember Moon: Sasha starts off strong and knocks Dana outside with a dropkick. Bayley and Ember come in and trade strikes. Sasha and Bayley tag back in and Dana looks for a springboard elbow, but Sasha dodges it. Sasha follows up with a roll-up pin for the three count out of nowhere.

Winners: Sasha Banks & Bayley

– Titus, Apollo and Dana appear to argue after the match and not be getting along. It looks like Dana may have quit Titus Worldwide.

– We go backstage to Baron Corbin’s office. Bobby Lashley is outside with a performance review Corbin gave him. The review says Lashley is dangerous and malicious, and Corbin orders Lashley to attend a special in-ring meditation intervention with Jinder Mahal tonight. Lashley says he appreciate’s Corbin’s concern, so he’ll meet Jinder in the ring tonight.

– Jinder Mahal and Sunil Singh are in the ring, and Bobby Lashley comes out to join. Jinder invites Bobby to sit with him for some meditation. Jinder asks Bobby to repeat after him but Lashley doesn’t seem to follow his intructions properly. Kevin Owens interrupts the meditation to attack Lashley from behind. Lashley and Owens brawl back and forth until Jinder gets involved. Lashley drops Jinder, but then Owens hits a big boot on Lashley. Owens takes Lashley to ringside and powerbombs him on the corner of the ring apron. Referees check on Lashley as Owens walks to the back.

– Finn Balor is shown backstage getting ready for his match tonight against Braun Strowman.

– We see a reply of Shawn Michaels coming out and The Undertaker confronting him.

– Triple H and Mick Foley are both scheduled to be on RAW next week.

– At the broadcast table, Corey Graves says he got a text saying The Shield has left the police station and are on their way back to the arena.

Finn Balor vs. Braun Strowman: Strowman is accompanied by Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler. The opening bell sounds and Braun starts off strong, dropping Balor with a shoulder tackle. Balor tries to come back with a sleeper, but Braun backs him into the corenr hard. Strowman follows up with headbutts and a side walk slam. Balor comes back with a kick and looks for a splash, but Strowman blocks it. Balor goes for the sleeper hold again, but Strowman throws him off his shoulders. Strowman misses a shot and falls out to ringside, where Balor hits a baseball slide kick and a dive on him to the outside. Back in the ring, Strowman turns it around and keeps Balor grounded. The fight spills outside again where Balor hits a sling blade on the floor. Back in the ring, Balor lays into Strowman with strikes, but Strowman comes back with a splash in the corner to shut him down. Strowman looks for another splash, but Balor blocks it with a dropkick and then applies a sleeper. Strowman backs Balor into the corner agian to break it up. Strowman looks for a spear in the corner and misses, falling out to ringside. Drew and Dolph check on Braun on the floor, and Balo hits a suicide dive on all of them. Back in the ring, Balor kicks Strowman in the head and then looks for the Coup De Grace, but Strowman dodges it. Balor applies a choke to Braun, but Braun powerbombs him down to break the hold. Strowman picks up Balor and hits the running poweslam for a three count.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– After the match, Ziggler and McIntyre hit the ring to continue beating on Balor. They tag Balor outside and dis-assemble the ring steps. They go to slam Balor in to he ring steps, but police sirens interrupt. A police van backs up near the stage, and The Shield members get out of it. Reigns, Ambrose and Rollins step up on to the stage and then head down to the ring. As they walk dow nthe ramp, Kevin Owens, Jinder Mahal and The Ascension, among others, come down and attack The Shield from behind. They beat down the Shield members o nthe ramp and all over the ringside area. Strowman nails Reigns in the face with the ring steps, as the other wrestlers beat down Rollins and Ambrose all over the stage. They throw Rollins off the stage and into the ambulance behind the stage. Strowman picks up the steps and hits Reigns with them once again. Drew hits the big boot on Ambrose on the stage while the other wrestlers beat down Rollins and Ambroe whether they like to or not. Strowman then hits a running powerslam on Reigns on the ringside floor. They drag the three Shield members’ motionless bodies next to each other on the ringisde floor. Strowman poses in the ring with Drew and Dolph, as The Shield lays motionless at ringside and goes off the air.

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