Adnan Virk Released By WWE, Issues Statement About His Departure

Adnan Virk is gone from WWE just 43 days after the company announced his signing on April 12th.

In a brief statement issued Tuesday morning, WWE confirmed the two parties had mutually agreed to part ways. They thanked him for his work.

Adnan Virk served as the lead announcer of WWE Raw for seven weeks. He addressed his followers on Twitter and cited ‘the weekly travel along with his other jobs’ as reasons for the gig not working out.

Adnan Virk in WWE

Shortly after his hiring by WWE in April, Virk appeared on the Sports Illustrated media podcast. He spoke about the new role he was taking on.

“It’s been a lot of excitement and elation mixed with trying to balance all the different balls in the air,” Virk said. “When that [WWE] news actually came, I felt like I was jumping out of a birthday cake.”

“I was a rabid fan, I wish my dad still had the Hulkamaniac shirts I had as a kid,” Virk continued. “But me and my brother would watch it all the time. Being Canadian, I’ll never forget Wrestlemania VI at Skydome when it was Hulk Hogan against Ultimate Warrior.”

Virk was dismissed from ESPN in 2019. It was reported that his release was due to ESPN leaks being made to other outlets. Virk also spoke about this during the interview last month.

“I think it was an overreaction on their part, but at the same time, it’s a major corporation that they’re overseeing,” Virk remarked on his exit from ESPN. “It’s not always a fair argument the way that things get framed, at the same time Jimmy, all that I’m doing now is based on the nine years that I put there.”=

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