Lilian Garcia Working On Second Album, Maria Discusses TNA

— In an interview with Alex Marvez, Maria Kanellis said WWE wanting more control over her projects led to her departure from the organization.

The former WWE Diva also noted her unhappiness with WWE for quickly posting news of her release on their website before she had time to tell her family she had been let go.

“People are saying it was about money or this and that,” Kanellis told Marvez. “It wasn’t. It had to do with my other passions and things I wanted to do alongside WWE. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for them.”

Though she has much on her plate at the moment, she is not ruling out joining TNA or even Ring of Honor down the road.

“I didn’t want to leave when I did,” Kanellis said. “Who knows where the road is going to lead me? Maybe a good cause will come up for me to go to TNA or even visit with Ring of Honor. I’ve always said some of the great talent is on the independent (circuit).”

— Former WWE ring announcer Lilian Garcia has plans to release follow-up album to her 2007 release, ¡Quiero Vivir!, within the next year. However, this project will be much different from her debut album as she revealed during an interview last week at the Winter Music Conference in Miami that it would be a danced-based English record with some rock influence. The former WWE Diva is collaborating with DJ Riddler on the project and she hopes to have it launched in time for the DJ Times convention in August.

Riddler discusses working with Garcia in a blog post at the following link.

— Today marks the twenty-year anniversary of the historic Champion vs. Champion match between Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania VI.

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