Home News Top 5 Most Undeserving WWE Champions

Top 5 Most Undeserving WWE Champions


Last week I threw out the names of five deserving candidates who never had the opportunity to hold the WWE’s top title. I suggested names such as Hennig, Piper, and DiBiase, while readers suggested other wrestlers who were stiffed by the company, including Roberts, Steamboat, and Rude.

It is now time to look at the other side of the coin and discuss five wrestlers who never should have been anywhere close to the WWE Championship, yet somehow managed to snatch it away from more talented competitors.

Sycho Sid
Sycho Sid

5. Sycho Sid

Sid isn’t the worst competitor on the list, but there were much more deserving wrestlers who never had the same opportunities. I have always been a Sid fan for one reason. No, not his in-ring work, nor his ability to captivate an audience, but instead for his unintentionally hilarious promos.

There has never been a wrestler who was worse on the mic than Sid. He compiled a vast collection of hilarious promos throughout his career that are more memorable than his actual matches.

John Bradshaw Layfield

4. JBL

I know there are many JBL supporters out there, but I am certainly not one of them. I was never really impressed with his in-ring ability, his promo skills, or his character. The fact that he held onto the belt for a relatively long period of time is surprising to me, even if he was on SmackDown at the time and the title did not mean as much as it does now.

His recent commentary stint reinforces the fact that he just isn’t very entertaining, and he also seems like he would be a pretty negative person off-camera as well.

Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio

3. Rey Mysterio

Mysterio has held both the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship during his career. At roughly 175 pounds, Mysterio is the lightest competitor to ever hold the crown and many have argued that it is unrealistic to have Mysterio defeat someone as large as the Big Show. I won’t make that argument, but do feel like he should not have held the WWE Championship, mainly because it was a pointless, half-hearted title reign.

He won the title against the Miz on RAW, only to have John Cena steal the glory moments later and win the championship on the same night.