Home News The Orleans Brass Band Plays John Cena’s Theme Song (Video), New Austin Podcast

The Orleans Brass Band Plays John Cena’s Theme Song (Video), New Austin Podcast


– The latest edition of Steve Austin’s podcast, “The Steve Austin Show,” is now available. In this edition of the show, Austin shares some of his fondest WrestleMania memories, including his victory over The Rock at WrestleMania X-7. The official description for the show reads as follows:

SASu – EP104 – Spanish Medallions Like A Mother F’er!

This is the last show before Wrestlemania 30 gang… and Steve’s sharing some of his own Wrestlemania memories – like when he defeated The Rock at 17! Plus… edible insects, the Steve Austin Submarine, treasure hunting, and lame-ass suitcases! Look out… Steve’s NOLA-bound!

You can download the show now at PodcastOne.com.

– WWE has added a new video to their official YouTube channel that features The Orleans Brass Band playing John Cena’s theme song at the Louis Armstrong International Airport. You can watch that one below:

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