Home News Sound Off 84: Call Jon Favreau, There’s a NEW Iron Man!

Sound Off 84: Call Jon Favreau, There’s a NEW Iron Man!


Solomonster Sounds Off (Episode 84)

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Est. Runtime: 53 minutes

Some of the topics discussed in this week’s Sounds Off include:

| Hell in a Cell thoughts and the story behind Punk and Undertaker opening the show

| Cena and Orton in an IRON MAN MATCH at Bragging Rights (a/k/a buyrate poison)

| No Way Out is no more, thus proving that the WWE Universe® is a truly scary place in which to reside

| Booker T is on his way out of TNA, but is he returning to WWE?

| The funniest YouTube clip EVER also happens to be the greatest moment in WCW history

Want your question on the air? Send feedback to THESOLOMONSTER@gmail.com.

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