Home News (Spoilers) TNA Impact Wrestling Results For May 29, 2014

(Spoilers) TNA Impact Wrestling Results For May 29, 2014


TNA is taping the remainder of the May 29th edition of Impact Wrestling right now at the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida. For those who missed it, we posted the first-half of the show, which was taped on Wednesday night in Orlando, earlier today. You can check out those spoiler results — written earlier today by our own Michael Bluth — directly below. The rest of the spoilers will be posted directly underneath those.

Impact Wrestling for May 29th (taped on Wednesday, May 7th):

– Bram defeated Tigre Uno in under 5 minutes. Bram went to attack Tigre after the match but Magnus came out and stopped him. Magnus challenges Bram to go at someone like Willow.

– Gunner and Mr. Anderson defeated Bro Mans. After the match, The Menagerie came out and beat down BroMans as they tried to recover from the loss.

– The crew sets up tables all around the stage. Bully Ray comes out and wants to see Dixie Carter, Rockstar Spud, Ethan Carter III, MVP, Kenny King and Bobby Lashley put through tables and won’t stop until it’s done. MVP, King and Lashley beat Ray down until Austin Aries, Eric Young and The Wolves make the save. We get a six-man match.

– MVP, Kenny King and Bobby Lashley defeated The Wolves and Austin Aries when MVP pinned Davey Richards.

Impact Wrestling for May 29th (taped on Thursday, May 8th):

– Dixie Carter and Ethan Carter III make their way down to the ring. Carter talks about how she has unfinished business MVP. This brings MVP out, who comes down to the ring with Bobby Lashley and Kenny King. They argue about power until Eric Young and Bully Ray come down. Ultimately, MVP ends up announcing Eric Young vs. Bully Ray with EC3 as the special referee for later tonight.

– Velvet Sky and Angelina Love defeated Brittany and Gail Kim. After the match, Brittany calls out Madison Rayne. The two argue back-and-forth. Love and Sky end up coming back out to taunt all of them. Brittany ends up revealing that she’s going to take her title rematch against Love next week.

– Eric Young vs. Bully Ray ended in a no contest when Ray attacked special referee EC3. MVP, Bobby Lashley and Kenny King ended up beating them all down until Samoa Joe made the save to a big pop from the Orlando crowd. Impact Wrestling for 5/29 ended on that note.

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