The following are highlights of a recent website Q&A update by WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross:
On how being as PG product impacts WWE: “Being PG or TV14 makes no difference if the roster isn’t performing at their highest level from top to bottom . Success is determined by the talent and not the TV rating.”
On Rosa Mendes joining Total Divas cast: “Perhaps she will add a spark to the show and will certainly be a new face. I’m guessing that this will be a good fit for her.”
On nationalistic story lines: “Politically charged, nationalistic storylines have to be cautiously crafted depending on today’s situation. In today’s PC world, they are especially sensitive.”
On if he considers CM Punk a “quitter”: “I do NOT consider CM Punk a quitter whatsoever and those that do I feel sorry for. I can’t speak for either party but I’d never say never in the pro wrestling biz.”
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