Home News Eric Bischoff On JR’s “Ross Report” Podcast, Chris Jericho’s WWE Payback Review

Eric Bischoff On JR’s “Ross Report” Podcast, Chris Jericho’s WWE Payback Review


– The latest edition of Chris Jericho’s “Talk Is Jericho” podcast, which features Y2J’s WWE Payback review and an interview with KISS member Bruce Kulick, is now available. The official description for the show reads as follows:

TIJ – EP44 – Bruce Kulick of KISS & WWE Payback Review

“Former KISS guitarist Bruce Kulick sat at Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons’ table at the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame ceremony, and has plenty of stories to share about that night, and about his time in KISS! Plus, Y2J breaks down the WWE Payback PPV. How’d he do vs Egypt?”

You can download the show right now at PodcastOne.com.

– The latest edition of Jim Ross’ “Ross Report” podcast, which features JR’s exclusive interview with Eric Bischoff, is now available. The official description for the show reads as follows:

TRR – Ep16 – Eric Bischoff

“JR and Eric Bischoff are talking wrestling business… and by that, we mean “the business of professional wrestling.” They get into Eric taking over WCW and firing JR, the Monday Night Wars, the current state and future of the WWE, and what Eric thinks about his own son’s foray into the business. Plus, hear creative strategy, brand building, and what it takes to be a star.”

You can download the show right now at PodcastOne.com.

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