*Spoilers* TNA Impact Wrestling Tapings Results (Airing 7/3)

TNA Impact Wrestling TV tapings results from  Bethlehem, PA, airing 7/3:

Kurt Angle announced Eric Young’s TNA Title rematch. Samoa Joe came out and said he was booking himself in a title match. After some back and forth, Angle teased giving Joe a title shot. Angle later reinstated referee Earl Hebner.

– The Wolves beat Knux and Crazy Steve.

– Bobby Roode beat Kenny King.

– Madison Rayne and Brittany made peace, but then Brittany turned on Madison only to be cheered by the live crowd.

– Ethan Carter III beat Bully Ray in a tables match when Rhino attacked Bully.

– Gunner came out for a promo and was interrupted by Sam Shaw, who said he’s a changed man and ended up apologizing to Christy Hemme for his past actions.

– Gail Kim defeated Angelina Love to win the TNA Knockouts Championship.

– Bobby Lashley beat Eric Young to retain the TNA Title.

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