Home Editorials and Features WWE Raw Reaction (8/4/2014): Highlights, Lowlights & Random Thoughts

WWE Raw Reaction (8/4/2014): Highlights, Lowlights & Random Thoughts


Last night’s episode of Raw took place at the University of Texas and featured a total of ten matches. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose both competed in “Beat the Clock” challenges, where the winner will pick the stipulation for their match at SummerSlam.

With John Cena and Brock Lesnar not on the show, WWE made sure to promote the hell out of their match at SummerSlam – and rightfully so. WWE is dubbing the match the “Biggest Fight of the Summer”. Also, Brie Bella and Stephanie McMahon signed a contract for their match at SummerSlam.

Raw was a SummerSlam promotion-heavy show. It looks like WWE is going all out, trying to gain more WWE Network subscribers before August 17. So let me ask you the question now, have you signed up for the WWE Network? Without further ado, here are my highs, lows and random thoughts for the 8/4/2014 edition of Monday Night Raw:


BEST MATCH: It was a tough call, but I have to give the Best Match of the night award to Roman Reigns vs. Kane in a Last Man’s Standing match. Dean Ambrose vs. Alberto Del Rio was probably just as good and arguably better, but the big story here is how well Reigns and Kane worked with one another. We all know Del Rio and Ambrose are going to put on quality matches night in and night out, but getting a good, if not great, match out of Kane is a rarity these days. Also, Reigns’ selling was superb, but you can read more about that in the “Random Thoughts” section of the article.

WORST MATCH: Fandango vs. Diego was the Worst Match of the night. I don’t know why WWE is doing this to Fandango, the kid is a phenomenal worker and incredibly talented. Vince McMahon and/or people on the WWE Creative team have a weird sense of humor. El Torito and Hornswoggle are old news and will not help Raw get a ratings boost. It’s a shame how far the Dr. of Dance has fallen. Mark Henry vs. Damien Sandow was the second worst match of the night. It lasted about 45 seconds.

UPSET OF THE NIGHT: Without a doubt, Heath Slater defeating Seth Rollins was the biggest Upset of the Night. The Authority tried to pull a fast one on Dean Ambrose and the WWE Universe by substituting Slater for Rollins’ original opponent Rob Van Dam, but it back-fired big time. It looks like Slater could be in store for a well-deserved push, but who am I kidding?

MOST SHOCKING MOMENT: I may be the only one who thought this, but I was shocked when Triple H blocked Brie Bella in the corner of the ring with a table. In the Attitude Era, the WWE Universe witnessed male-on-female violence every single week, but of course nowadays it’s forbidden. Triple H didn’t strike or injure Brie, but it was a moment that definitely caught me off guard. Also, Stephanie hitting Brie and Nikki with Pedigree’s was pretty rad.