As noted in the past, WWE has been planning on having Roman Reigns win the Royal Rumble match in January and go on to defeat Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 31. At this point, however, there is beginning to be some skepticism regarding whether or not Reigns is ready for that big of a push.
Despite the fact that Reigns is viewed as someone who needs to work on his promo skills, and as someone who isn’t good enough to carry lengthy main-event singles matches on big shows, WWE is in need of a new top babyface star and the belief is that spot is his regardless.
While WWE has plans on continuing Randy Orton’s babyface turn, he is not a new star. Daniel Bryan is not what WWE wants in a top babyface star, no matter how fans react to him. Additionally, there’s uncertainties with Bryan due to his neck and arm injuries.
This leaves Reigns and Dean Ambrose as the two leading candidates for the top babyface spot. Ambrose is a better in-ring performer and delivers better promos, however he fits less into WWE’s mold of what they view as a top babyface star.
While Ambrose and Reigns both do strong merchandise numbers, including Ambrose’s new hoodie being number one during Thanksgiving week, neither are doing the type of numbers that a top guy traditionally does on a consistent basis.
Despite all of this, the belief is that WWE will stick with their plans for Reigns heading into WrestleMania, as he is still considered the top choice by the top people behind-the-scenes.
(Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)