Home News WWE Partners With New Book Publisher, Details On The Iron Sheik’s New Autobiography

WWE Partners With New Book Publisher, Details On The Iron Sheik’s New Autobiography


ECW Press out of Canada announced this week that they are now working with WWE to publish some of their book projects in the future.

The following press release was issued regarding the autobiography of WWE Hall Of Famer The Iron Sheik:

By Iron Sheik with Keith Greenberg

The Iron Sheik to release his moving story of triumph and tragedy; ECW Press announces new publishing partner WWE®

In the pantheon of legendary WWE antagonists, perhaps none are as reviled as the Iron Sheik. Loathed for his anti-American diatribes, the former AAU champion and bodyguard for the Shah of Iran braved riots, death threats, and legal threats during his tumultuous career. Now, the man whose diatribes have gained him newfound mainstream notoriety finally delivers his life story.

The Iron Sheik: Listen Jabroni! is scheduled for an October 2015 release by ECW Press, the first book in WWE’s new publishing partnership with ECW. Over the past fifteen years, ECW has been a leading publisher of wrestling books, including autobiographies of Jimmy “The Mouth of the South” Hart, Larry Zybyszko and The Missing Link, as well as a number of bestselling overviews of the sport including The Death of WCW and The Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame series. This fall, ECW will also release a memoir by WWE commentator Bill Apter.

Michael Holmes, Senior Editor at ECW Press, arranged the deal. “Our new partnership with WWE is the best possible addition to our longstanding commitment to publishing the finest books about the exciting world of Sports Entertainment. It’s a real pinnacle for ECW Press — a formal relationship with the WWE means we’re working with the undisputed industry leader, which is both an honor and a privilege.”

The Iron Sheik: Listen Jabroni! is peppered with interviews and insights from other WWE personalities as readers are taken on a journey from the Iron Sheik’s teen years as a competitor for his native Iran, to the era when the Iranian hostage crisis transformed him into arguably the most vilified figure in sports entertainment, to his current status as a YouTube and Twitter sensation. It is available now for pre-order.