Home News NXT Season 1 Winner, Season 2 Format Details & More

NXT Season 1 Winner, Season 2 Format Details & More


– The winner of WWE’s first season of NXTwas Wade Barrett. Justin Gabriel was eliminated in round 1 of the eliminations on Tuesday night and it came down to Barrett and David Otunga. Barrett has earned a spot on the RAW or SmackDown rosters and a pay-per-view title match.

– The format of NXT season 2 will see the fans and the Pros both getting 50% of the votes that decide who stays and who goes each week. Season 2 begins next week on SyFy and will be shorter than the first season.

– Congratulations go out to former WWE copule Charlie and Jackie Haas, who are the proud parents of a new baby boy, Thomas Russell Haas II. Both “Russ” and Jackie are doing fine.

– SmackDown star CM Punk currently has a bet going with WWE ring announcer Tony Chimel regarding the NHL Stanley Cup.If the Chicago Blackhawks win, Chimel has to announce CM Punk as hailing from “the home of the Stanley Cup Champion Chicago Blackhawks, Chicago, IL.” and if the Philadelphia Flyers win the Cup, Punk has to cut a promo where he mentions that “this city is not nearly as good as Philadelphia.”