Home News Lanny Poffo Talks About Randy Savage’s WWE HOF Induction, Meeting Damien Sandow & More

Lanny Poffo Talks About Randy Savage’s WWE HOF Induction, Meeting Damien Sandow & More


Former WWE Superstar Lanny Poffo recently appeared on Under The Mat Radio to discuss his brother, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, being inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame. Below are some highlights of the interview.

On how he got the call for Randy Savage to go into the WWE Hall of Fame: “I kind of knew about for over a year that Randy was going to go in… then when they (WWE) actually officially released that they were going to induct him (Savage) I wasn’t sure if I was going to be the one to induct him. Everybody was saying that Hogan was going to be the one to induct him but I just thought I’d be common sense for it to be me.”

On how his family feels that Randy finally got inducted: “Well I can tell you how I felt, I felt relived because we are not going to punish the fans anymore now the fans are going to have to find something else to be punished about. I feel relived like a big burden has been lifted and I’m glad that the speech was well received.”

On who he loved to work with the most during his time with WWE (WWF then): “I’d have to say as Leaping Lanny I loved to work against Terry Funk and Bob Orton Jr. I would look better losing to those two guys then if I would beat Barry Harowitz. Now I’d say when I was a villain my best match ever was against Hulk Hogan.”

On Damien Sandow: “Talking to the younger talent, they were very receptive to me. I really enjoyed everybody particularly Damien Sandow what a nice person he is. People think he stole my gimmick he did not. I stole my gimmick from many of people, and besides Bobby Heenan never got mad because he was The Brain and then I came and I was the Genius he never raised an issue..!”

Check out the complete interview at BlogTalkRadio.com.