SEScoops reader Ray R. sent in these live tapings results for tonight’s TNA iMPACT!:
A.J. Styles, Kazarian, Desmond Wolfe and Beer Money came out without Ric Flair. Styles said he is now in charge with Flair not there. Styles said they are in an eight-man tag match but there are five of them, so he said Kazarian will sit out . Jay Lethal came out cutting a Flair-like promo saying how Styles will never be the man, Ric Flair is the man, and he said, “right now you’re looking at a wrestling God.” Lethal then introduces his team, himself, Abyss, Mr. Anderson and Jeff Hardy.
*Roxxi & Rosie Lottalove defeated Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich. The heels laid out the babyfaces.
*Matt Morgan is in Eric Bischoff’s office wanting to know who his new tag team partner is. Hulk Hogan cuts a promo, calling Morgan the biggest crybaby in the industry. Hogan said how Morgan backstabs every partner he’s ever had. Morgan came out but Hernandez attacked Morgan, who did a stretcher job. The Band came out and said Morgan was scheduled to wrestle Eric Young, so Young pinned him on the stretcher.
*Jesse Neal called out Brother Ray. Team 3D came out but security held everyone apart. Neal told Ray to say whatever he had to say to his face. Devon kept trying to keep the piece but when Shannon Moore butted in, he wanred Moore this was none of his concern. Bubba went after Neal and security pulled them apart.
*Kurt Angle beat Amazing Red.
*AJ Styles & Desmond Wolfe & Beer Money defeated Jay Lethal & Abyss & Ken Anderson & Jeff Hardy when Styles pinned Lethal. They held up four fingers. Sting attacked RVD and they brawl. Hogan shows up to help RVD and it ends with RVD splashing Sting.