Home News WWE RAW Results – June 15, 2015

WWE RAW Results – June 15, 2015


WWE RAW Opener:

The post-Money In The Bank edition of RAW opens up with a lengthy video package to honor the memory of the late, great, “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes. After the video package, we shoot to a live shot of the arena where the fans are chanting “Dusty! Dusty!” and then we go to the usual RAW opener to bridge the gap from that to the regular show.

After the intro stuff, the regular RAW show kicks off with Seth Rollins coming down to the ring. Rollins pretty much spends several minutes basically saying, “I won last night.” Total time-filler nonsense so far and we’re ten minutes deep.

Finally, after several more minutes of bragging, Dean Ambrose’s music hits. The fans explode as Ambrose comes out. Ambrose and Rollins argue back-and-forth for a bit about last night’s match.

Eventually, Sheamus comes out and this leads to our first match of the evening here on the post-Money In The Bank edition of RAW.

Sheamus vs. Dean Ambrose

The bell sounds to make this one official and Sheamus immediately goes after the injured leg of Ambrose. Sheamus is focusing all of his attack on the knee of Ambrose.

Amrbose finally starts fighting back until Sheamus takes his leg out again. The action spills out to the floor but eventually returns to the ring. Ambrose goes nuts on him once they get back in the ring. We head to a mid-match commercial.

When we return from the break, “The Celtic Warrior” is still dominating Ambrose. Ambrose fights out of a leg hold now. He unloads with punches and chops against the ropes but Sheamus chops the knee. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf but Ambrose fights it off. Sheamus gets sent to the floor but runs right back in. Ambrose catches him in a swinging neckbreaker. Ambrose keeps control and hits the bulldog. Ambrose goes to the top and Sheamus cuts him off. Sheamus with the rolling senton. He goes for the Cloverleaf and locks it in.

Ambrose finally makes it to the rope and breaks the hold. Sheamus with forearms on the apron now. Ambrose turns it around and hits forearms of is own. Ambrose ducks a Brogue Kick and rocks him. Ambrose with the elbow drop from the top for a close 2 count. Sheamus goes back to the leg and hits a high knee but Ambrose hits the big bounce back clothesline. Sheamus avoids Dirty Deeds and rolls to the floor as fans boo. Sheamus grabs his briefcase and starts walking away. Randy Orton’s music hits and out he comes.

Due to the distraction, Ambrose ducks a Brogue Kick attempt and rolls Sheamus up. 1-2-3. Ambrose wins.

After the match, Orton tries to attack Sheamus, but Sheamus tries running away. Orton ends up catching up with him and right when he goes to hit his RKO, Sheamus runs away again.

Winner: Dean Ambrose

Backstage: Seth Rollins & J&J Security

Backstage, Seth Rollins is talking to J&J Security when they finally bring up last week’s match, and how they feel Rollins is afraid of them — particularly Joey Mercury. J&J Security bust Rollins balls some more and walk off. We head to another break.

R-Truth vs. King Barrett

When we return from the break, R-Truth comes out. He joins the gang on commentary, only for them to tell him that he’s not on commentary tonight, he’s got an actual match.

“They never tell me anything,” says Truth, before he heads into the ring. Out next is his opponent for this evening, King Barrett. The bell sounds and here we go.

The match, which lasted all of a minute or two, saw Truth pin Barrett as the announcers say, “he did it again!” After the match, however, Barrett beat Truth down.

Winner: R-Truth