Home News Heyman Not Going With Lesnar To Japan, Flair/Terry Funk, Tough Enough

Heyman Not Going With Lesnar To Japan, Flair/Terry Funk, Tough Enough


– The latest edition of Ric Flair’s “Wooo! Nation” podcast, which is available now, features an interview with WWE Hall Of Famer Terry Funk. You can download the show at Play.it.

– Originally, Paul Heyman was scheduled to travel to Japan to be with Brock Lesnar at the WWE “Beast In The East” special on the WWE Network. Now, however, Heyman is no longer scheduled to go, so it appears Lesnar will be appearing on the show by himself. The special is scheduled for July 4 from Tokyo, Japan.

– Below is a preview for next week’s edition of WWE Tough Enough: