Home News Daniel Bryan Talks About Triple H Stopping One Of His Matches

Daniel Bryan Talks About Triple H Stopping One Of His Matches


While on a massive press tour to promote his new book, Daniel Bryan has reflected on an incident involving Triple H where he stopped one of his matches.

Speaking with Jim Norton on Opie Radio, the former WWE champion explained that while wrestling Randy Orton he “had gotten a stinger in a match and lost feelings” in both his arms.

He explained that he’s always had the mentality of never stopping a match and told the ringside doctor that would be okay to continue, however Triple H was sending word to stop the match.

Bryan said that he sprinted into the ring to try and continue the match with Orton because as far as he was concerned this was going to be the biggest victory of his career so far.

“I did a top rope dropkick, and I couldn’t get up,” Bryan explained, “I couldn’t move my arms. Randy, he’s on the ground going ‘Dan, Dan, what the F are you doing?'”

Eventually, Triple H had called off the match which didn’t sit well with Bryan who said that when he got backstage he was “hot” and almost came nose-to-nose with Triple H.

You can check out Bryan talking about the incident in the video below. You can also purchase his book “Yes!: My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of Wrestlemania” right now.