Home News More Speculation On Danielson’s Firing, Evan Bourne Interviewed

More Speculation On Danielson’s Firing, Evan Bourne Interviewed


— While Vince McMahon informed Bryan Danielson he was being let go from World Wrestling Entertainment due to choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with a tie, some within the company believe spitting on John Cena was the real reason for his release. McMahon hates spitting and has banned it in WWE’s rings for the past several years. In addition to spitting, McMahon greatly dislikes people smoking cigarettes and sneezing as it’s been noted that if someone near him sneezes, he will lash out at the guilty part for it. On another note, it’s said to be guaranteed that Danielson didn’t spit on Cena without clearing it with him ahead of time. (source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter)

— Promoting WWE’s Saturday’s live event in Youngstown, Ohio, the Youngstown Vindicator conducted an interview with Evan Bourne. The high-flying wrestler was asked what the hardest part of transitioning from the independents to WWE was, commenting: “There was a huge learning curve understanding the scale of the company. It’s so massive and such a well-oiled machine. From a managerial standpoint, it’s run with an efficiency. I’’ve been around a lot of wrestling, and it used to be not as corporate as it is now, but the WWE is just jaw-dropping. I went to business school, and for me finding out how they operate from the business standpoint has almost been as intriguing as all of the wrestling skills I’ve acquired.”

The interview can be read here.