Home News Backstage News On TNA’s Future On Destination America

Backstage News On TNA’s Future On Destination America


Tomorrow is September 1st and the start of what is looking like TNA’s final month on Destination America.

The company has yet to respond to reports that Destination America will be exercising their “out clause” and dropping Impact at the end of the month. TNA has already taped the next several weeks of Impact programming and there are currently no tapings scheduled for future episodes.

It’s worth noting that international Discovery Network-owned networks that air Impact have already pulled the show from future listings. Saturday’s episode of Impact on Discovery En Espanol was replaced with two episodes of a show called “Curiosity” and they were pulled from the schedule in Finland and Romania on the Discovery-owned Eurosport channel.

There has been talk of TNA holding tapings in India in November and they are trying to get other international deals, but it’s a tel.ling sign that there haven’t been any announcements from TNA regarding the future of their flagship show