Home News Eric Bischoff Calls “B.S.” On Heyman/Russo Comments (Video), Eva Marie Film Project?

Eric Bischoff Calls “B.S.” On Heyman/Russo Comments (Video), Eva Marie Film Project?


– On Tuesday, WWE will release their “Monday Night War: Vol. 2: Know Your Role” DVD and Blu-ray set, which as noted, will feature a new interview with Eric Bischoff. Below is a clip from the special that features Bischoff calling “B.S.” on comments made by both Paul Heyman and Vince Russo during the “Monday Night War” series on the WWE Network.

– Fred Oliveira, a video director of Grey Wolf Visuals, is currently filming some kind of project that involves Eva Marie and her husband Jonathan Coyle. Oliveira tweeted the following teaser on Saturday.