Backstage Talk On Jeff Hardy Possibly Returning To WWE

It looks like the name “Jeff Hardy” has been mentioned quite a bit behind-the-scenes in WWE in recent weeks/months.

As noted recently, WWE recently polled fans on some potential Superstar returns they would like to see and Jeff Hardy, along with The Dudley Boyz, was included on the poll.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that The Hardys were also mentioned on RAW during the segment with Edge, Christian and The Dudley Boyz. While it could be said that it would be awkward for those two teams to talk about their history together and not include The Hardys, however that hasn’t stopped WWE in the past.

It was also noted in the latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that public Hardy mentions were not encouraged by WWE in the past.

While Jeff Hardy is currently signed to TNA Wrestling, there has been speculation that Hardy returning to WWE could happen as TNA is in need of greatly reducing their costs due to their ongoing television situation. The two highest paid wrestlers in TNA are Hardy and Kurt Angle, and Angle recently announced that he won’t be re-signing with TNA at the end of the year.

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