Home News TNA Planning TV Tapings From India Later This Year

TNA Planning TV Tapings From India Later This Year


It looks like TNA is getting ready to lock in their next set of television tapings, which will take place around late November through early December from India.

Several top TNA stars including TNA Champion EC3 and Mr. Anderson have had to pull out of booking commitments for early December due to TNA holding the next round of television tapings that week.

The tour is expected to take place around November 29 – December 5th. Those tapings would carry TNA through December and into January, when the annual UK tour takes place.

Impact hasn’t taped television since earlier this summer, so the shows that air in October and November will likely be pieced together using previously taped matches and footage that have yet to air on television.

TNA remains ‘in negotiations’ as they look to extend their run on Destination America beyond year end.