Home News Update On Tyson Kidd’s Recovery From Neck Surgery

Update On Tyson Kidd’s Recovery From Neck Surgery


Former WWE Superstar Brian Myers (Curt Hawkins) recently spoke with Alex Obert of Journeyofafrontman.com to discuss his involvement with Global Force Wrestling, Impact Wrestling, his former tag team partner Zack Ryder, Hornswoggle, FCW, his Create A Pro Wrestling Academy and more.

Myers also spoke about his longtime friend Tyson Kidd, who is currently recovering from neck surgery. Back on June 1st, Kidd suffered a broken during a non-televised match with Samoa Joe that nearly cost him his life.

Here’s what Myers said about Tyson Kidd’s road to recovery:

“He’s one of my best friends. I talk to him every day. Super sad about what happened to him. I’m hoping for the best. I’m hoping he comes out on the other side. Hopefully his in-ring career isn’t over, it’d be a shame. He lives and breathes wrestling.

He’s been sitting home with a broken neck for six months, but he doesn’t miss a thing. He watches every single current wrestling thing. He’s watching the Network and old stuff. I sent him a care package of DVDs and stuff when he first got hurt just cause I knew he was gonna have so much downtime to do that. And that’s where we bond, we’re both sick in the head in love with wrestling. That’s how we became friends in the first place. And on top of that, he is just one of the best wrestlers in the world. Technically, from bell to bell, he’s just top-notch.”