Home News Steve Austin Talks About His ECW Run, Paul Heyman’s Influence On His Career & More

Steve Austin Talks About His ECW Run, Paul Heyman’s Influence On His Career & More


As noted, WWE Hall Of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin appeared on The Taz Show: Bodyslams & Beyond” recently. In addition to the excerpts we posted last week, Austin also spoke about his time in ECW, evolving from The Ringmaster to “Stone Cold” in WWE and more. Below are some more highlights from the interview.

On ECW being just the place he needed when his WCW career was cut short:

“[ECW] was just a great environment at that point in my life,” Austin recalled. “[ECW] was just a hub of so much creativity and guys going through the refining process, trying things out, experimenting, and, of course, guys with great success with real cool gimmicks laying down some heavy stuff. So, it was a great learning process for me and a real eyeopener as far as the creative freedom that Paul E. [Heyman] harbored down there and you were able to do anything that you wanted to do to get over and that doesn’t exist in today’s system.”

On Paul Heyman playing a significant role in his success:

“I really value my days down there in ECW in Philly.” Austin continued, “it was a pivotal time in my career and I dare say that if I’d not made my stop through [ECW], I don’t know if I’d ever really [become] ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin. I always give Paul Heyman all the credit in the world for helping me get to the level [to which] I got.”

On Heyman’s ability to get the most out of talent:

“That dude’s like Cesar Millan talking to a dog. Dude can just talk to a cat. I don’t even care if it’s a guy or a girl, but he’d get you in a frame of mind where he opens your mind up, or focuses you, or gives you confidence in yourself, or just sparks some kind of creative spark in your brain, but the dude just has a way to talk to talent to get them to crank out some bad ass stuff.”