What a turnaround.
For a few months, one of the lines you’d often hear about Roman Reigns was that fans didn’t dislike him per se, they just hated how he was being booked. He first built his momentum in The Shield, but it slowed down when he started cutting lengthy, John Cena-style promos. Crowds at pay-per-view events and TV tapings either booed him or went silent. Last week’s show-ending promo on Monday Night Raw was just the latest step in that direction with the infamous “tater tots” lines.
Starting at TLC on Sunday night, it all changed, and the above video is the result. While WWE did post a Reigns celebration video, it doesn’t include this part. Here, the fans in Philadelphia (the same city as the Royal Rumble in January where he got booed) not only go nuts as we saw on Raw, but break out the “You deserve it!” chant originally made famous by Daniel Bryan. Even in light of the reaction he got last night, that’s kind of a surprise.