Home News Jim Ross On Undertaker/Shane McMahon Stipulation, I-C Title Match Build-Up

Jim Ross On Undertaker/Shane McMahon Stipulation, I-C Title Match Build-Up

Jim Ross On Undertaker/Shane McMahon Stipulation, I-C Title Match Build-Up

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross has updated his blog, which you can read in its entirety over at JRsBarBQ.com. In this installment, JR spoke about Vince McMahon’s announcement on RAW that The Undertaker’s WrestleMania career will be over if he cannot defeat Shane McMahon inside Hell in a Cell.

JR has a prediction for the Hell in a Cell match, but he knows that there are many possible outcomes. “I see Taker wining at Wrestlemania but stranger things could happen as this, as in most pro wrestling storylines, can go multiple, ‘right ways.’ You can bet the farm that WWE is not going to squander the Undertaker’s ‘retirement’ without marketing it to the hilt.”

He also expressed frustration with the lackluster buildup to the Intercontinental Championship match. “The IC Title Wrestlemania match gets 13 days promotion which seems like a rush job but it puts the 7 talents on the show and in a position to go out and overachieve and create ‘moments.’ Why would they approach it any other way?”

WrestleMania 32 takes place next Sunday, April 3rd. Join us here all weekend for our wall-to-wall coverage of WrestleMania weekend, live from Dallas, Texas.