Home News Extreme Rules Main Event, Stephanie & Shane Running RAW

Extreme Rules Main Event, Stephanie & Shane Running RAW


Mr. McMahon announced last night at Payback that Shane and Stephanie McMahon will both be in charge of WWE moving forward, a compromise of sorts to see if the two can co-exist. There was no mention of Triple H having a formal role as part of this new regime, but there’s speculation that Shane and Triple H will eventually wrestle a match. The good news is that the era of The Authority’s death grip on RAW appears to be over and this new ‘checks and balances’ system will bring some much needed relief from completely overbearing authority figures.

Later in the show, Vince McMahon signed off on Shane McMahon’s suggestion that the main event of Extreme Rules should be AJ Styles challenging Roman Reigns in an Extreme Rules match. Stephanie agreed with Shane’s idea, so the two of them are starting off on the same page. We’ll see how long that lasts.

WWE Extreme Rues takes place in less than three weeks on Sunday, May 22nd.