Home News Spoilers: TNA Impact Wrestling Tapings Results (Taped 8/12)

Spoilers: TNA Impact Wrestling Tapings Results (Taped 8/12)

Spoilers: TNA Impact Wrestling Tapings Results (Taped 8/12)

Here are complete results from Friday night’s TNA Impact Wrestling tapings from Orlando, FL, courtesy of CretinHop138:

– Kicking off with Jade vs Gail Kim Match ended in a no contest as Sienna came in pulled Gail Kim off the pinfall and attacked Jade, which resulted in a disqualification for Gail Kim and Jade winning the match. Maria on the mic and celebrates and says “NO TITLE SHOT FOR YOU!!!”

– EC3 and Galloway out in the ring, he accepts Galloways challenge and that he is a man of integrity. Aron Rex will be the special referee.

– Ladies and gentleman, Broken Jeff Hardy. He’s gone to the darkside. 4 way tag ladder match next. The Broken Hardyz win the match as predicted, Jeff did all the work and then Matt just got in the ring and climbed the ladder to get the contract.

– Oh my goodness, Bobby Lashley has done a Shane Douglas, he has thrown down the X Division and KOTM belts, and declared them dead and not fit for purpose. He is unfiying all of the titles. Corgan warns him not to, Lashley gets right in his face and tells Corgan to shut his mouth “boss man”.

– Number 1 contenders battle royal coming up. Winner faces Lashley. Mike Bennett is Number 1 contender, He tosses Eddie Edwards and Moose over the top rope to win it.

– Allie won the TNA Knockouts Title.

– Abyss beat “Broken Brother Nero” after Rosemary spat Asian Mist in his eyes which lead to a Black Hole Slam.

– Fact of Life with Eli Drake time – Spud, Mandrews, Lee, Everett, Sutter, Zema all guests.

– X Division title match for “next week” as Lashley vacated it because it was beneath him earlier. How they ended up there? No idea have to wait and see.

– EC3 defeats Drew Galloway to retain his BFG title shot in what has been described by tweeters and people there as an outstanding main event. Drew gets up and shakes EC3’s hand as EC3 leaves the ring.

– Drew cements his heel turn, he attacks Aron Rex brutally after the match, fans are booing Drew.