It’s official: Matt Hardy has been #FIXED. During an appearance on “Raw Talk” last night Matt dropped many of the “Broken” mannerisms his character had been using.
Multiple Hardy family members have offered storyline explanations for his reverting back to his old self. It should be noted that Matt has left room for a return of the character at some point however.
The sheer NIRVANA of coming home to that DEAFENING ovation at #Wrestlemania seems to have contained my CONDISHTION.
If it CAN be contained.
Reby Hardy also offered up the following:
It appears both Reby and Matt are trying to communicate that Matt’s successful expedition of gold has temporarily fixed his condition. Both are leaving plenty of room for the return of the characters in their tweets.
Why Not Use the #BROKEN Gimmick?
There are two possible scenarios as to why WWE is not going to run with the gimmick immediately despite its popularity. The first, and most plausible scenario, is that Vince would rather just bring back the old Hardys, as they did with the Dudleys last year. The second scenario is that Anthem’s legal challenge on the gimmick has WWE afraid to down that route.
Once the nostalgia factor wears off for the Hardys in WWE, it will be interesting to see where the company goes with both Matt and Jeff.