Home News WWE Matt Hardy Gets Stitches & Sheamus Receives Medical Care (Graphic Photos & Videos)

Matt Hardy Gets Stitches & Sheamus Receives Medical Care (Graphic Photos & Videos)

Matt Hardy Gets Stitches & Sheamus Receives Medical Care (Graphic Photos & Videos)
Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy was cut open pretty badly during the 30-minute Iron Man tag match at Great Balls of Fire between The Hardy Boyz and Tag Champs Sheamus & Cesaro. It was the most blood shown on a WWE event in recent history.


It took 9 stitches to close the wound above Hardy’s eye, which is believed to have been caused by an elbow from Cesaro. WWE uploaded the above video of Hardy getting stitched up after Great Balls of Fire went off the air Sunday night. Matt also uploaded the below photos of the cut.

Sheamus also received medical care backstage after the match. WWE uploaded a video of an exhausted-looking Sheamus with a welt on the side of his head being checked out by a trainer. In the video, Cesaro watches on as his partner complains of pain in his trapezius area.