Home News Atlanta Falcons Pay Tribute To Ric Flair With Custom Cleats

Atlanta Falcons Pay Tribute To Ric Flair With Custom Cleats

Atlanta Falcons Pay Tribute To Ric Flair With Custom Cleats

The NFL’s Atlanta Falcons were stylin’ and profilin’ for their Sunday afternoon game against the Buffalo Bills.

Falcons receivers Julio Jones and Mohamed Sanu paid tribute to Ric Flair with custom cleats bearing the likeness of the legendary Nature Boy.

Flair, an Atlanta resident, is a long time Falcons fan and hyped the team up at a practice earlier this year during their playoff run.

Check out Jones and Sanu’s custom Ric Flair cleats. The gesture is so awesome we’ll give him a pass for the Comic Sans font on the “WooOOoo!!!”

Ric Flair himself said he loved the gesture:

Flair’s daughter Charlotte also approves: