WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (12/25)

The Christmas 2017 edition of WWE RAW aired live on December 25th from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL.

– Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. Cole announces that the first hour of RAW will be commercial-free, thanks to the USA Network.

– John Cena comes out to the ring to kick off the show. He gives his shirt and hat to a kid in the audience, and then cuts a promo about the Holidays being about “togetherness.” He says the WWE is his home and the fans are his family. He gets interrupted by Elias, who comes out to the stage with his guitar. Elias walks down and says he’s sick of being interrupted, so he’s going to interrupt someone else this time. The crowd chants for CM Punk, and Elias says Punk won’t be interrupting him any time soon. Cena says the Chicago fans love their fellow Chicagonian, and that’s okay. Elias says he wants to perform uninterrupted now. Cena goes to offer him some last minute advice, but Elias tells him to stop. Cena tries to get it out, but Elias puts his finger over Cena’s mouth and tells him to stop. The lights go down and the spotlight goes on Elias, as he tells the crowd to shut their mouths and listen to his Christmas song. The crowd chants CM Punk as Elias starts to sing, then they boo him. Cena interrupts Elias and tells him to stop trashing Chicago because it’s a good place to spend the Holidays. Elias says he speaks the truth, but Cena tells him the audience aren’t the jerks, Elias is the jerk. Elias says maybe Cena is right, and he wants Chicago to give him a second chance to do a nicer song. This leads to Elias cheap-shotting Cena and beating him down. Elias says Santa didn’t visit him today, so he’s giving himself the Christmas gift of a match with Cena. Elias demands that a referee come to the ring, and one does.

John Cena vs. Elias: Elias continues the beat-down on Cena in the opening moments. He takes Cena out to ringside and hits a knee to the face, then some chops to the chest. Back in the ring, Elias continues the offense until Cena finally starts to fire up. Cena hits some right hands, but Elias shuts him down with a back suplex. Elias works on Cena in the corner and stomps a mud hole in him. They fight up to the top turnbuckle, but Elias slides under Cena and powerbombs him down for a two count. Elias keeps Cena grounded with a side headlock now. Cena escapes and hits some flying shoulder blocks, then he goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Elias rolls outside. Cena runs outside and throws Elias back in, but when Cena gets back in Elias drops him with a lariat. Elias pins for a two count, then hits a backbreaker for another two count. Elias looks frustrated and takes him time grabbing Cena, and it costs him, as Cena locks Elias in the STF. Elias escapes and kicks Cena off him, then hits a knee to the face. Cena rolls outside for a breather, and Elias is down too. Cena gets on the apron and Elias walks over to him, and Cena hits a sunset flip over the top rope on Elias. Cena rolls through and locks Elias in the STF again. Elias reaches the ropes to break the hold, then hits his finisher move for a two count. Elias works on Cena a little more, but Cena fires up and hits some flying shoulder blocks. Cena follows up with the AA for the three count.

Winner: John Cena

– We go to the announce table, where Graves talks about how Elias impressed him tonight. Cole then introduces a video package promoting Samoa Joe. It features Joe beating on Jason Jordan, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns.

– We go backstage where Kurt Angle is decorating a Christmas tree. Jason Jordan walks in and the fans boo. Seth Rollins walks in next. Jordan and Rollins both want Samoa Joe tonight. Angle says before they take on Joe, they need to deal with The Bar first. Rollins and Jordan get in each other’s faces, and Jordan complains about having to work a tag match. Angle says his decision stands, and Jordan and Rollins will face Cesaro and Sheamus tonight for the RAW Tag Team Titles. Jordan and Rollins leave, then Roman Reigns walks in. Angle tells him that Joe is all his tonight, and Angle makes it a Championship match.

– Charly Caruso is in the ring for an interview with Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher. Kendrick cuts a short promo on Hideo Itami, and then Itami comes out.

Hideo Itami vs. Brian Kendrick: Itami starts off strong with strikes to the face of Kendrick and he drops him. Itami gets distracted by Gallagher on the apron, and Kendrick capitalizes with a flying kick to the face of Itami. Kendrick follows up with shots to the face of Itami while he’s grounded, then Kendrick stomps on him in the corner. Kendrick hits a suplex for a two count, then he applies a headlock. Itami comes back with some boots to the face, then a neckbreaker. Itami follows up with a flying clothesline off the turnbuckle. Itami hits a fisherman’s suplex, then a series of strikes to the face. Itami hits a dropkick in the corner, then hits the Go To Sleep for the three count.

Winner: Hideo Itami

– Michael Cole introduces a recap video with soft piano music over it showing Stephanie McMahon’s women’s Royal Rumble announcement.

– Sasha Banks, Mickie James and Bayley are walking backstage. They run into Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel, who talk about The Miz not being her for “Miz-mas” because he’s filming a movie. They sing a song about The Miz, and wish the women a Merry Miz-mas. The women leave for their match, not impressed.

Bayley, Sasha Banks & Mickie James vs. Absolution: Sasha starts off against Paige, but Paige quickly tags in Mandy. Sasha drops Mandy and beats her down before tagging in Mickie. Mickie comes in with a shot off the top rope on Mandy, then a leg drop. Sasha and Sonya get into it at ringside and Sonya hits a big clothesline. Back in the ring, Mandy tags in and continues the beat down on Sasha. Mandy applies some holds and hits an elbow drop for a two count. Sonya tags back in and keep beating on Sasha. Paige tags in and grabs Sasha by the hair until the ref tells her to stop. Paige hits some more shots on Sasha, then tags in Mandy. Mandy continues to beat on Sasha and keep her away from getting a tag. Mandy knocks Mickie off the apron, then Sasha grabs Mandy and throws her into the other corner. Bayley and Paige tag in, and Bayley cleans house. Bayley hits a DDT, then a back suplex. Bayley takes Paige into the corner and hits some spears, then goes for a splash but Paige moves. Bayley knocks Sonya off the apron, then Paige knocks Bayley into the turnbuckle. Bayley comes back with a belly to belly suplex, but Sonya breaks up the pin. All six women start brawling at ringside as all HEll breaks loose. Back in the ring, Bayley hits a neckbreaker on Paige, then goes up top. Paige kicks her down, then hits the Rampaige for the three count.

Winners: Absolution

– Cole announces the attendance as 13,201 in the Allstate Arena tonight. He also introduces a video replay of Joe beating down Ambrose last week, and says Ambrose may be out for 9 months due to the injury.

– Renee Young is backstage with Samoa Joe for an interview. She asks if Joe has any remorse for injuring Ambrose last week, but Joe says absolutely not. Joe says now that Ambrose is injured, he can stay at home with those he loves over the Holidays. He says no that Ambrose is out of the way, he’s going to take out Roman Reigns next. He says after he puts Reigns to sleep tonight, Reigns will be in a nightmare, as Joe will be raising his Intercontinental Title in the air.

– Kane is backstage, walking towards the gorilla position.

Kane vs. Heath Slater Rhyno is at ringside in Slater’s corner. We see a pre-taped promo where Slater says his kids didn’t get Christmas gifts because Kurt Angle threatened their jobs last week. Rhyno thinks Angle just wants Slater to toughen up, and this is their first step in doing that. The opening bell sounds and Kane backs Slater into the corner. Kane lays into him with strikes, then drops him with a one-armed sidewalk slam. Kane boots Slater out to the floor. Rhyno cheers on Slater, and Slater says he’s doing his best. Slater gets on the apron but Kane knocks him right back off. Rhyno gives Slater some words of encouragement as the crowd chants “you got kids.” Kane pulls Slater onto the apron and Slater fights back. Slater coems back with a flying knee. Slater charges forward again, but Kane decks him with a right hand. Kane follows up with a chokeslam for the three count.

Winner: Kane

– Rhyno comes in to check on Slater. Kane looks for a chokeslam on Rhyno, but the former ECW & NWA Champion fights him off. Rhyno hits a shoulder in the corner, then backs up for the Gore, but Kane grabs him by the throat. Kane hits the chokeslam on him, then makes his exit.

Finn Balor vs. Curt Hawkins: Booker talks about some famous jobbers in reference to Hawkins, and calls them “good hands.” The opening bell sounds and Hawkins starts off strong against Balor. Balor stops Hawkins’ momentum with a boot to the face, and he starts turning things around. Hawkins ducks a shot in the corner and rolls up Balor for a two count. He works on Balor some more and rolls him up again for two. Hawkins gets frustrated and Balor drops him and hits a double stomp. Balor follows up with the Slingblade, then dropkicks Hawkins into the corner. Balor goes up top and hits the Coup De Grace for the three count.

Winner: Finn Balor

– Bo Dallas and Curt Hawkins find Goldust backstage and sing him a song about his career slowing down. They give him a copy of a DVD The Miz starred in as a gift and leave, and Goldust looks disgusted at the film. Titus, Dana and Apollo walk by, and Goldust re-gifts the DVD to Titus.

– Bray Wyatt comes on the big screen and tells Chicago that he’s here. Wyatt comes down to the ring with his usual entrance, but when he gets in the ring and blows the light out, Matt Hardy attacks him out of nowhere. Matt beats down Wyatt and Wyatt retreats all the way up the ramp. Matt gets the mic and does his evil laugh as Wyatt looks confused on the stage. The word “woken” flashes on the screen to end the segment.

– We go backstage to Sheamus and Cesaro, who exchange Christmas gifts. Cesaro is wearing a mouth guard. They exchange Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose action figures, and make fun of them. Cesaro also gives Sheamus a Jason Jordan figure, and they say no one wants that — not even Kurt Angle. They laugh and wish each other a Merry Christmas.

– At ringside, WWE staff are setting up Christmas props for a street fight up next.

– Enzo Amore comes out dressed as Santa, and Drew Gulak and Ariya Daivari are behind him dressed as elves. Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and Akira Tozawa are in the ring, and Enzo briefly cuts a promo on them before coming down for the street fight.

Enzo Amore, Drew Gulak & Ariya Daivari vs. Cedric Alexandder, Mustafa Ali & Akira Tozawa: This one spills out to ringside almost immediately and the babyfaces hit suicide dives in tandem on Gulak and Daivari. Back in the ring, and there are now Christmas trees and big wrapped boxes in the ring. Enzo tags in and starts going gat it with Tozawa. Enzo sets up a tree in the corner and whips Tozawa into it. Enzo knocks Cedric off the apron, and Tozawa takes the opportunity to kick Enzo in the head. Daivari and Ali come in and Ali cleans house. Ali hits a dropkick, then an X-factor. Ali goes up top and hits the inverted 450, but Gulak breaks up the pin with a cookie sheet shot. Cedric and Enzo come in, and Enzo has a big candy cane. Cedric takes it from him and backs him up into the corner. Enzo begs for mercy, and Cedric dodges a splash from Gulak, leading Gulak to crash into Enzo. Cedric bashes Gulak with the giant candy cane, then Daivari rolls up Cedric from behind for a two count. Cedric comes back with the Lumbar Check on Daivari for the three count.

Winners: Cedric Alexander, Mustafa Ali and Akira Tozawa

– Roman Reigns’ Intercontinental Championship defense against Samoa Joe is up next.

– Enzo is backstage recovering from his match when he runs into Nia Jax. They realize they are standing under mistletoe and it gets awkward. They are just about to kiss, but Alexa Bliss runs in and says she needs Nia right away. She says it’s about the first-ever women’s Royal Rumble match, and Alexa takes Nia with her.

– Roman Reigns does an interview in the back where he says he’s not worried about what Samoa Joe says, and he’s going to take him out tonight.

Roman Reigns (c) vs. Samoa Joe: Reigns’ IC Title is on the line in this one. The opening bell sounds and Reigns comes out strong with right hands to Joe. Joe fires back with some strikes of his own, and they trade right hands now in the middle of the ring. Reigns drops Joe throat-first on the middle rope, then he rolls outside to hit the Drive By. Back in the ring, Joe gets back in the game with some right hands, a chop and a headbutt. Joe slams the champion’s head in the corner then hits a back suplex for a two count. Joe hits some elbows to the face, and Reigns fires back with some clotheslines in the corner. Reigns hits a running big boot, then he looks for the Superman punch. Joe stops Reigns with some punches and backs him into the corner. Joe hits a back splash, then a Pele kick on Reigns in the corner. Joe continues to beat on Reigns until Reigns stuns him with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Reigns goes for a powerbomb, but Joe escapes. Joe and Reigns trade strikes in the middle until Joe stuns him with knee strikes then hits a suplex. Joe goes for a senton bomb, but Reigns rolls out of the way and hits a Superman punch for a two count. Reigns goes for a spear, but Joe blocks it with a kick to the face. Joe hits a version of the Rock Bottom for a two count. Reigns goes out to the apron and drops Joe’s neck across the top rope. Reigns approaches Joe, and Joe locks him in the Coquina Clutch. Joe latches on to Reigns and drops him down to the mat. Joe initially prevents Reigns from reaching the ropes, but Reigns finally reaches the bottom rope and the ref pulls Joe off of him. Reigns rolls outside, and Joe immediately runs the ropes and hits the champion with a suicide dive. Reigns is now selling an arm injury. Back in the ring, Joe works on the bad arm. Reigns fights Joe off and stomps a mud hole in him in the corner. Reigns shoves the referee off of him, and the refs calls for the bell to make it a DQ. Joe wins, but Reigns keeps the IC Title. After the bell, Reigns hits a Superman punch on Joe, and Joe rolls outside. Reigns goes outside and jumps off the ring steps to hit another Superman punch on Joe. Reigns whips Joe into the ring post and Joe is now selling a shoulder injury.

Winner via DQ: Samoa Joe

– Reigns continues to beat down Joe at ringside and whips him into another ring post. Reigns gets the ring steps and hits Joe with them. Referees come out and ask Reigns not to, but Reigns hits Joe again with the ring steps. Reigns grabs a steel chair and goes after Joe, but referees take the chair from him.

– We see Seth Rollins backstage watching in approval on a monitor as Joe retreats up the ramp. Jason Jordan walks in, and Rollins says he’s only doing this because he owes Kurt a favor, and he wants a piece of Cesaro and Sheamus. Rollins tells Jordan to bring his A game and listen to him. Jordan says he makes a good replacement for Ambrose, but Rollins says he’ll never be Dean Ambrose. Jordan says he’ll be better, and walks off.

– Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel are in the ring, saying they’re super excited because Kurt Angle just booked them in a “secret Santa” match. They start singing a Christmas song, but then get interrupted by Braun Strowman.

Braun Strowman vs. Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas: Strowman starts off with a slam on Dallas, then he throws him across the ring. Axel comes in and Strowman drops him in the corner. Strowman picks up Axel and hits the running powerslam for the win after a very short squash match.

Winner: Braun Strowman

– After the bell, Strowman hits a running powerslam on Axel. He hits another one on Dallas, then another one on Axel.

– Alexa Bliss is backstage heading towards the gorilla position.

– RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss comes down to the ring and wishes everyone a “Merry Bliss-mas.” She says she’ll end the year Champion and she dominates every challenge that faces her “like a Jedi from Star Wars.” Alexa introduces another replay of Stephanie’s Rumble announcement last week. Alexa says she watched that clip a hundred times already, and she wants to tell everyone “you’re welcome.” Alexa takes credit for the women’s Rumble happening, and says the other superstars walk in her shadow. Asuka comes down to the ring and announces that she’ll be in the Rumble. Asuka gets in Alexa’s face and kicks her out of nowhere. Asuka dances and leaves.

– WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar is announced for next week’s New Year RAW in Miami.

The Bar (c) vs. Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan: Sheamus and Cesaro’s Tag Team Titles are on the line in this one. Sheamus and Jordan start off, and Jordan overpowers him and slams him. Sheamus fires back with an elbow to the face, then Cesaro tags in. They briefly double team Jordan, until Rollins runs in and breaks it up. Rollins hits a slingblade on Cesaro and sends him to the floor. Rollins hits a suicide dive on both Cesaro and Rollins at ringside. Sheamus and Rollins now go at it in the ring and Sheamus gets the upper hand. Cesaro tags in and hits a leg drop on Rollins for a two count. Sheamus tags back in quickly and punishes Rollins more. Sheamus tosses Rollins out to the apron and distracts the ref, allowing Cesaro to hit a cheap shot on Rollins. Rollins briefly fights off The Bar, but they double team him and Jordan runs in and levels Sheamus. Rollins finally gets the tag to Jordan, and Jordan starts cleaning house. Jordan beats Sheamus into the corner and hits a running spear. Jordan hits a suplex on Sheamus for a near-fall. He goes for another suplex, but Cesaro breaks it up. Sheamus drops Jordan with a clothesline, then Cesaro tags in for another double team move. Cesaro goes for the Sharpshooter and locks it in on Jordan. Rollins and Sheamus go at it, and Cesaro breaks the hold to deal with Rollins. Cesaro picks up Jordan and Sheamus hits a flying clothesline off the top. Rollins runs in again and dropsCesaro, but then Sheamus hits a BRogue Kick on Rollins. Sheamus then locks the Cloverleaf in on Jordan. Jordan reaches the ropes to break the hold. Sheamus picks up Jordan and Cesaro goes up top for the double team, but Rollins knocks off Cesaro. Sheamus hits the white Noise on Jordan by himself. The fight spills out to ringside where Sheamus goes into the steel ring steps, and Cesaro hits an uppercut on Rollins. Sheamus rolls back in the ring, and Jordan immediately drops him for the win.

Winners & new Tag Team Champions: Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan

– The Bar recovers on the floor as Rollins and Jordan celebrate with their new Title belts. The last RAW of 2017 goes off the air as Rollins and Jordan hold their Tag Titles in the air.

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