Home News Another Impact Departure, Impact Signs 63 Year Old Legend

Another Impact Departure, Impact Signs 63 Year Old Legend

Another Impact Departure, Impact Signs 63 Year Old Legend

– Impact Wrestling Knockout Chelsea Green announced on Monday night that she has been granted her release from the company. She’s worked for Impact since January 2016.

Green, who is currently dating WWE Superstar Zack Ryder, has made a few appearances for WWE. In August 2014, she portrayed Daniel Bryan’s physical therapist. After admitting to having an affair with Bryan, she got slapped by Bryan’s now-wife, Brie Bella.

In 2015, she was a contestant on Tough Enough Season 6, where she finished fourth among the females.

– Impact Wrestling has announced the signing of Gama Singh (the “Great Gama”), a 63-year-old semi-retired Indian/Canadian wrestling legend. Singh was a top heel in Stu Hart’s Stampede Wrestling in Calgary for much of the 1970’s & 80’s.