WWE Royal Rumble 2018 Results

WWE’s Royal Rumble 2018 took place at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, PA.

Royal Rumble kickoff show:

– Renee Young, Peter Rosenberg, Jerry Lawler and Dave Otunga welcome us to the kickoff show and run down tonight’s card. Alexa Bliss comes out to briefly replace Otunga and talk about how excited she is for tonight.

– Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are backstage getting ready for a “social media lounge” interview later in the kickoff show.

– Sam Roberts is outside with some fans who are waiting in line to get in the arena.

– Jason Jordan approaches Seth Rollins backstage and tells him it’s an honor to be his partner, and tries to get Rollins pumped up for their match tonight. Jordan says his dad didn’t just throw them together for no reason, he knew they’d be great. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin walk in and tease Jordan, but they embrace and catch up. Jordan and Shelton meet, and Shelton tells him a bit about his history with Angle. They trade some chirps and there seems to be some tension between them as Jordan walks off.

– The crowd is coming in the still-mostly-empty Wells Fargo Arena, and a six-man cruiserweight tag match is up first to start things off.

– We see a video package looking back at Hacksaw Jim Duggan’s Royal Rumble win.

Kalisto, Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik vs. TJP, Jack Gallagher and Drew Gulak: The crowd is still being seated here, but the ones who are seated seem to be reacting to the match. Dorado fires up early on and hits a series of moves on TJP, finishing with a standing moonsault for a two count. The babyfaces stay in control as Dorado dumps both TJP and Gulak outside. Kalisto, Dorado and Metalik all go up to the top rope, and they all moonsault at the same time onto different heels standing at ringside. Back in the ring, TJP gets the upper hand on Dorado when he dropkicks him out of mid-air. Gulak comes in and takes Dorado into the corner where he stomps on him. Gallagher hits a cheap shot behind the ref’s back as Gulak clears the babyface apron. Gallagher comes in now and works on keeping Dorado grounded. Gallagher starts working over Dorado’s knee until Gulak tags back in. TJP tags in shortly after and continues working on Dorado’s knee. Dorado comes back with a sunset flip powerbomb for a two count. TJP gets back up and dumps Dorado into the corner. Gallagher tags in for more knee holds on Dorado. Gallagher goes up to the middle rope, but Gulak starts yelling at him not to fly. Gulak misses the headbutt and Dorado gets the tag to Metalik. Metalik springboards in and hits an arm drag and then a chop on Gulak. Metalik leaps up onto the middle rope then hits a dropkick on Gulak. Back up to the top rope, Metalik walks the rope and hits a flying elbow on Gulak. Kalisto gets the tag and kicks both Gallagher and Gulak, then springboards off the ropes and hits a stunner on both of them. The heels fall outside and Metalik hits a suicide dive on them. He throws Gulak back in the ring where Kalisto covers for a 2 count. TJP tags himself in, but Kalisto quickly hits the Salida Del Sol for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto, Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik

– Sami and Owens are backstage fielding questions in the social media lounge.

– Charlotte briefly joins the pre-show panel to discuss the Rumble tonight.

The Revival vs. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson: Anderson and Dash start off, and they fight into the Revival corner where Dawson tags in an takes over. Anderson fires up with a dropkick, then tags in Gallows for a double team backdrop. Dawson rolls outside for a breather. Back in the ring, Dash tags in and hits a cheap shot to the eyes of Gallows. Dash unloads in the corner but Gallows fights out and fires back with body shots of his own. Gallows cleans house and both Revival members tag a breather at ringside. Back in the ring, Anderson is in and Dawson gets the upper hand on him. Dash tags in and starts working over Anderson’s knee. Anderson finally comes back with a spinebuster for a two count. Dawson takes out Gallows at ringside, then he slides in the ring and The Revival double teams Anderson for the win.

Winners: The Revival

– JBL and Alundra Blayze join the pre-show panel. JBL and Blayze have some banter and Blayze tells him to shut it, then makes fun of his shoes. We see Anderson limping up the ramp behind them selling the knee injury.

– Bobby Roode comes out to defend his U.S. Title, and cuts a promo about being the solve survivor in the U.S. Title tournament. He asks who his mystery opponent will be tonight, then looks to the stage.

U.S. Title Match: Bobby Roode (c) vs. Mojo Rawley: Mojo runs down for the surprise entrance and takes control early on. Mojo overpowers Roode and drops him, and works on keeping Roode grounded. Roode fights his way back up and goes for the Glorious DDT early on, but Mojo escapes and hits a spinebuster on Roode. Mojo taunts Roode and slaps him upside the head a couple of times. The fight spills outside and Mojo whips Roode into the barrier before taking him back inside. Back in the ring, Mojo charges at the corner but Roode blocks with an elbow to the face. Roode keeps the momentum going with some strikes and a neckbreaker. Roode follows up with a Blockbuster for a two count. Roode goes for the Glorious DDT, but Mojo escapes once again and drops Roode. Mojo talks trash to Roode, and Roode hulks up and hits a spinebuster for a two count. Mojo hits a backdrop and throws Roode into the ring post. Mojo charges, but Roode blocks it and hits a variation of the DDT out of the corner for the win.

Winner & still U.S. Champion: Bobby Roode

– Ric Flair joins the pre-show panel now where he discusses Charlotte, NXT, and his match against MVP at the Royal Rumble before.

WWE Royal Rumble 2018:

– We see an opening video focusing on the Strowman/Kane/Lesnar feud, and shows us some previous WrestleMania footage to highlight the “road to WrestleMania.”

– Tom Phillips welcomes us to the arena, he’s joined by Byron Saxton and Corey Graves. The WWE Championship match is up first!

WWE Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn: This one is under handicap match rules. Owens and Zayn trade frequent tags and try to get in AJ’s head before even touching. AJ finally gets a hold of Owens and drops him. Owens rolls outside, runs around the ring, slides back in, and tags in Zayn. Zayn and AJ lock up, then they run the ropes and AJ plants him with a dropkick. Owens comes back in and finally starts to get in some offense on AJ. He takes AJ into the corner and tags in Zayn, who stomps a mud hole in AJ in the corner. Owens briefly takes AJ outside and whips him into the barricade, then back in the ring Zayn continues to work on AJ. AJ starts to fire up and Owens tags back in. AJ gets a shot on Owens, then leaps up to the top rope, but Owens catches him and hits an electric chair drop for a two count. Owens goes for a cannonball on AJ in the corner, but AJ rolls out of the ring and Owens crashes. Zayn tags in and looks for a tornado DDT, but AJ gets out and hits him with right hands. AJ climbs up and hits a Frankensteiner on Zayn off the top. Owens tags back in and AJ drops him with a Pele kick. Both men are down. Zayn gets the tag and charges, but AJ catches him with a boot to the face. AJ goes up top and hits the moonsault inverted DDT. Owens comes in but AJ hits an elbow to the face. AJ drops Zayn, then puts Owens in the Calf Crusher. Zayn breaks it up. Zayn picks up AJ, but AJ drops him with a series of strikes. Owens rolls up AJ from behind for two. Owens charges, but AJ dodges and Owens crashes into the ring post. Zayn comes back in and hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Zayn takes AJ in the corner and slaps him across the face. Zayn takes AJ up top, but AJ slides out and drops Zayn. AJ hits the Phenoenal Forearm on Zayn, but Owens breaks up the pin. Zayn and AJ trade strikes in the middle of the ring, and Zayn tries to get the tag but AJ throws him outside. Owens runs in and superkicks AJ behind the ref’s back. The ref turns around and sees AJ and Owens fighting, but doesn’t seem to throw Owens out. AJ reverses a Pop Up Powerbomb into a pin, and rolls up Owens for the three count. AJ is declared the winner, even though Owens didn’t appear to be the legal man.

Winner & still WWE Champion: AJ Styles

– We go backstage where Zayn and Owens immediately confront Shane McMahon about the finish of their match. They repeatedly ask Shane if he saw what just happened. Shane says “yep,” and walks off.

SmackDown Tag Titles: The Usos (c) vs. Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin: This one is a best-two-of-three falls match. Benjamin and Gable take control of Jimmy early on using frequent tags. They work over Jimmy’s knee despite his efforts to kick them off. Jimmy finally comes back with an enziguri on Benjamin, and both men are down. Jey unloads with strikes on Benjamin, then knocks Gable off the apron. He throws Benjamin outside and follows up with a suicide dive. Jey runs back in the ring and runs through the ring for a suicide dive on Gable on the other side of the ring. Back in the ring, Jey hits a flying cross body on Gable for a two count. Benjamin hits a knee through the ropes, and Gable comes back with a suplex with a bridge for a two count. Benjamin tags in now. Gable hits a missile dropkick on Jimmy, then Benjamin powerbombs Jey into Jimmy in the corner. They send the Usos outside, then Gable hits a moonsault off the top onto the Champions at ringside. Back in the ring, there seems to be some confusion over which Uso is the legal match, which leads to Gable taking a superkick. Jimmy hits a splash off the top for a two count. A blind tag leads to The Usos scoring the first pinfall on Gable via a rollup. Benjamin and Gable come back with a double team powerbomb onto Jey Uso at ringside, and Uso’s head hits the ringisde floor hard. Back in the ring, Gable hits a kick to Jimmy and drops him. Benjamin comes in and looks for a suplex on Jimmy, but Jimmy reverses into a roll-up pin for the quick three count. That’s two falls for the Champions, and The Usos run up the ramp and Gable and Benjamin are shocked at the Usos stealing the win. The Usos are given their Tag Title belts, and Gable and Benjamin look on in disbelief.

Winners & still Tag Champs: The Usos

– Jerry “The King” Lawler comes out to join the commentary team for the Royal Rumble match up next. Aiden English comes out first to the stage and gets a big Rusev Day chant. English introduces Rusev, who will be #1.

Royal Rumble match:

Finn Balor is in at #2, and the Rumble has officially begun. Rusev overpowers Balor early on and slams him down with a hip toss. Rusev tries to throw Balor outside, but Balor escapes. Rhyno comes in at #3 and he hits the ring and drops Rusev immediately. Rhyno goes to throw Balor outside, but Rusev hits Rhyno from behind. Rusev hits a spinning heel kick on Rhyno, then turns his attention to Balor. Baron Corbin comes in at #4. Corbin rights into in the ring and starts laying people out. Corbin hits the Deep Six on Rhyno and throws him out. Balor runs up behind Corbin and throws him over the top. Rhyno and Corbin have been eliminated. Corbin is not happy, and he pulls Corbin outside and whips him into the barricade. Corbin pulls Rusev out and hits the Deep Six on him on the floor. Heath Slater enters at #5, but Corbin clotheslines him down on the ramp. Referees and trainers finally haul Corbin backstage. Corbin and Rusev are still in the match, but they’re recovering from the beating at ringside. Elias enters at #6, and he comes in with his guitar and cuts a promo on the headset. Elias kicks Slater down on the way to the ring. Elias gets in the ring by himself and says the clock is stopped so he can sing a song. He starts singing a song trashing Philadelphia, but the clock counts down and NXT Champion Andrade Almas comes out at #7. He hits Slater on the way to the ring, then slides in and starts brawling with Elias. He drops Elias with an elbow, then hits the running knees in the corner. He goes for the hammerlock DDT, but Elias gets out and clotheslines him down.

Bray Wyatt comes in at #8 and starts dropping people in the ring. He uppercuts Almas down then chokes him on the ropes. Rusev tries to come back in the ring (he’s not eliminated), but Wyatt keeps punching him down. Big E enters at #9, and before getting in the ring he picks up Slater and shoves pancakes in his mouth. Big E hits the ring and hits a belly to belly on Wyatt. Rusev drops Big E with a kick to the head. Tye Dillinger’s music hits for #1, but he doesn’t come out. We see backstage that Owens and Zayn are beating down Tye. Zayn says he has an idea, and runs off. Zayn comes down to the ring, and hits Slater from behind. Sami hits the ring, but it doesn’t seem he’s an official entrant. The announcers now seem to indicate Zayn really is part of the Rumble. Sheamus is in at #11, and he throws Slater in the ring on his way in. As soon as Sheamus gets in the ring, Slater immediately clotheslines him outside. Sheamus is shocked at ringside as Slater celebrates in the ring. Slater turns around into a Sister Abigail from Bray, then Bray throws him outside for the elimination. Xavier Woods is out at #12. Woods hits the ring and starts brawling with Bray, then he links up with Big E to double team Sami Zayn. The New Day members also double team Elias, then they start brawling with Rusev.

Apollo Crews is in next at #13, then Nakamura is in at #14. Nakamura goes right for Zayn and drops him with a kick, then he drops Rusev with an elbow to the face. Nakamura and Crews start going at it now. Nakamur turns his attention back to Zayn, and hits the knee in the corner then eliminates him. Cesaro is in at #15 and he hits the ring and immediately starts handing out European uppercuts. Kofi comes in at #16. Cesaro eliminates Crews with a European uppercut on the apron. Jinder Mahal is in at #17 and he starts giving out suplexes and knee drops. Woods charges at Jinder in the corner, and Jinder back body drops Woods to the outside for the elimination. Jinder and Big E brawl out to the apron, and Jinder hits a big boot on Big E. Big E falls down to the floor for the elimination, and Jinder climbs back through the ropes. Seth Rollins is in next at #18. Rollins comes in with flame print pants and starts dropping people in the ring. Rollins monkey flips Cesaro to the outside. Jinder throws Kofi outside next, but Kofi’s foot lands on Woods’ body, so he’s not eliminated. Big E puts a plate of pancakes under Kofi’s foot next, so since both feet didn’t hit the ground, Kofi isn’t eliminated. Kofi tries to get back in the ring, but Jinder blocks his path. Big E and Woods launch Kofi into the ring over Jinder’s head in a cool acrobatic move. Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise on Jinder for the elimination, then Big E and Woods throw pancakes at Jinder at ringside. Kofi gets thrown out next for the elimination, then Matt Hardy comes out at #19. Matt and Bray seem to temporarily work together, and they eliminate Rusev. Matt hits the Side Effect on Almas next, then Matt and Bray come face to face. Matt and Bray start pummeling each other with right hands, then they brawl over the top rope and eliminate themselves from the match.

John Cena is in at #20. He hits the ring and everyone immediately starts beating on him and stomping on him. Elias grabs Cena and goes for his finisher, but Cena escapes and eliminates him. The #21st entrant is Hurricane Helms. Helms hits the ring and poses next to Cena. Helms goes for the chokeslam on Cena, but Cena escapes and throws Helms outside. Aiden English is in at #22, and he gets a Rusev Day chant. Adam Cole is in next at #23. Balor throws English outside for the elimination. Randy Orton is in at #24 and he hits the RKO on Almas, then eliminates him. Titus is in at #25 and he starts brawling with Cena. Titus tries to eliminate Adam Cole, but Nakamura kicks titus from behind. Titus fires back with a chop to the chest of Nakamura. The Miz is out next at #26, with Axel and Dallas by his side. Miz hits a DDT on Rollins, then one on Cena. Miz does the Yes Kicks, but misses one and Cena grabs him. Cena goes for the AA, but Miz escapes and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Cena. Rollins hits a superkick on Miz and drops him.

Rey Mysterio comes in at #27 and immediately hits a hurricanrana on Balor. Rey starts dropping people and hitting kicks. Rey eliminates Adam Cole, then hits the West Coast Pop on Miz. Rey then hits the 619 on Miz. Roman Reigns is out at #28. Reigns starts dropping everyone who comes near him with uppercuts. Miz charges at Reigns but Reigns drops him with a series of clotheslines. Reigns then hits a series of clotheslines on The Miz in the corner, then eliminates Titus. Reigns tries to eliminate Miz next, but Dallas and Axel hit the apron and save him. Reigns superman punches Axel and Dallas off the apron. Rollins drops Miz then hits the curb stomp on him. Rollins and Reigns team up for the double powerbomb on Miz, and they powerbomb him onto Axel and Dallas at ringside. Reigns then immediately throws Rollins outside for the elimination. Goldust is in at #29 at immediately starts brawling with Orton. Goldust turns his attention to Cena and drops him with an uppercut. Entrant #30 is Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler hits a superkick on Cena (which visibly missed by maybe a foot) and then tries to eliminated him. Ziggler superkicks Orton, then Goldust grabs Orton with a spinning powerslam. Ziggler comes back with a superkick on Goldust, then eliminates him. Nakamura and Zigler start brawling by the apron, and Balor hits a running forearm on Ziggler for the elimination. Cena hits an AA on Balor, then Rey hits a 619 on Reigns. Nakamura misses a kick on Orton, and Orton drops him with an RKO. Orton goes for an RKO on Cena, but Cena escapes it. Reigns hits a superman punch on Orton and eliminates him. Rey hits a dropkick on both Cena and Reigns, then hits a double 619 on them. Balor comes up from behind and throws Rey to the outside. It’s down to Cena, Reigns, Balor and Nakamura.

Reigns and Cena drop Balor and Nakamura, then Reigns and Cena come face to face. Nakamura and Balor fire up and start beating on Cena and Reigns. Now Balor and Nakamura come face to face. Nakamura hits the running knee on Balor, but Balor fires back with a flying kick. Balor drops Nakamura with a running elbow to the face, but Nakamura answers with a kick to the face. Balor and Nakamura go back and forth, until Cena and Reigns get up and clothesline them down. Cena and Reigns start trading punches, then Reigns drops him with a Samoan Drop. Cena hulks up and suplexes Reigns. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Balor interrupts with a sling blade. Balor also drops Reigns and Nakamura. Balor sets up Nakamura in the corner, but NAkamura stops him with a boot to the face. Nakamura charges at Balor, but Balor stops him with a double foot stomp and he appears to land on Nakamura’s throat. Cena immediately throws Balor outside for the elimination. Cena and Reigns start double teaming NAkamura now, then Cena turns his attention to Reigns. Cena hits the suplex and goes for the Fuve Knuckle Shuffle, and he hits it. Reigns hits the superman punch on Cena, then goes for the spear, but Cena reverses into the AA. Nakamura comes up behind Cena and goes for a suplex, but Cena gets out. Cena tries to eliminate Nakamura, but Nakamura puts Cena out to the apron. They fight near the apron, then Nakamura hits a running kneed to the face of Cena to eliminate him. It’s down to Reigns and Nakamura.

Reigns and Nakamura start brawling in the middle of the ring until Reigns drops him with a superman punch. Reigns throws Nakamura out to the apron, then Nakamura kicks Reigns in the head from the apron. Nakamura puts Reigns in a triangle choke over the top rope, but Reigns reverses into a powerbomb in the ring. Reigns goes for the spear, but Nakamura blocks with a knee. Nakamura hits a kick, then a flying knee off the middle rope. Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa, but Reigns stops him with a spear. Reigns is slow to get up, then he goes to eliminate Nakamura but fails. Nakamura ducks a shot and runs the ropes, and hits the Kinshasa on Reigns. Nakamura throws Reigns outside for the elimination, and Nakamura has won.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura

– After the match, Renee Young gets in the ring and asks Nakamura now that he’s won the Rumble, which champion does he want to face at WrestleMania: Brock Lesnar or AJ Styles. Nakamura answers AJ Styles, then poses on the corner and points to the WrestleMania.

– Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon are backstage celebrating Nakamura’s win, while Stephanie McMahon and Kurt Angle look disappointed. They trade some banter, and Stephanie says this is all about making history tonight, and she thinks everyone will be pleasantly surprised.

– We see a new KFC commercial featuring Ric Flair dressed as the Colonel.

RAW Tag Team Titles: Seth Rollins & Jason Jordan (c) vs. The Bar: Sheamus and Cesaro get in control of this one early on and they take turns beating on Rollins in the opening moments. Rollins comes back with a kick to the head of Sheamus. Rollins looks for the tag, but Cesaro pulls Jordan off the apron and throws him into the ring post. Sheamus misses a kick on Rollins in the ring and sheamus falls outside. Rollins follows up with a suicide dive on Sheamus and Cesaro. Sheamus turns it around on Rollins at ringside, then takes him in the ring where he and Cesaro double team him. Jordan is still down at ringside, and now at trainer is down checking on his head after taking a shot to the ring post. Jordan waves off the trainer as Cesaro works over Rollins in the ring. Sheamus and Cesaro go for a double team powerbomb on Rollins, but Rollins reverses and sends the challengers out to ringside. Rollins wants the tag, but Jordan is still at ringside selling the blow to his head. Cesaro charges at Rollins but Rollins lays into him with strikes. Rollins hits the sling blade and the blockbuster on Cesaro, then hits a running forearm shot. Rollins hits a suplex, then goes for the Falcon Arrow but Cesaro escapes. Rollins goes for it again and does connect this time. Rollins hits a superkick and covers, but Sheamus breaks it up. Sheamus takes Rollins up top and looks for the White Noise, but Rollins elbows him away. Rollins also knocks down Cesaro, then he hits a frogsplash off the top onto both of them. Jordan finally tags himself in, but as soon as he steps in the ring he starts really selling the head injury, then he tags Rollins back in. Rollins is exhausted, but he gets in the ring while Jordan sits on the ring steps selling a concussion. Rollins hits Cesaro, but then Sheamus boots him in the face. The Bar follows up with the double white Noise for the win.

Winners & new RAW Tag Team Champions: The Bar

– We see a promo video for the Universal Championship, and that’s up next.

WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Braun Strowman vs. Kane: Paul Heyman grabs the mic away from Jojo during the introductions to do Brock’s intro. Lesnar immediately backs Kane into the corner off the opening bell, but then Strowman grabs him and rams Lesnar in the corner. Strowman bats Kane away, then hits a running dropkick on Lesnar. Strowman hits a stiff knee to Lesnar’s head, and Lesnar gives him a receipt in the form of a very stiff punch to the side of the head. Kane and Lesnar start going at it, and Lesnar goes outside. Strowman drops Kane, then Lesnar comes in and nails Strowman with a chair. Strowman comes back and punches the chair into LEsnar’s face. Strowman throws Lesnar outside, then drops Kane. Strowman gets some tables and throws them in the ring. Kane gets up and grabs Strowman by the throat, but Strowman comes back and hits a chokeslam of his own. Lesnar runs in the ring and hits a German suplex on Braun. Lesnar follows up with a series of Germans. Strowman gets up and shakes it off and comes right back with a running powerslam on Lesnar through a table. Strowman goes for one on Kane, but Kane escapes and pushes Strowman through the table. Kane follows up with a chokeslam on Strowman and pins, but Lesnar breaks it up. Lesnar decks Kane and pins, but Strowman breaks it up with a German suplex off the ground on Lesnar. The fight spills outside and Lesnar hits an F5 on Strowman through an announce table. Lesnar then flips the other announce table on top of Strowman. Kane runs up and goes for a chokeslam on Lesnar, but Lesnar gets out and hits an F-5 on Kane onto the announce table. The announce table doens’t break at first, but the tablet he landed on did. The table breaks a couple seconds after Kane lands on it. Strowman now gets up from the other table wreckage and he drops Lesnar into the ring steps. Lesnar takes BRock in the ring and hits a running powerslam on him, but he doesn’t pin. He hits another one on Lesnar, then gets up again. Before Strowman can hit it again, Kane hits Strowman repeatedly with a steel chair. Strowman falls outside, then Lesnar decks Kane. Strowman gets on the apron, but Lesnar knocks him off then hits the F-5 on Kane onto a steel chair. Lesnar pins Kane for the three count.

Winner & still Universal Champion: Brock Lesnar

– We see a trailer for the new Andre The Giant special on HBO in April. Back at ringside, the announce tables are being cleaned up while Michael Cole says he wonders what Andre would have thought of that match.

– We see a promo video featuring Stephanie McMahon’s women’s Royal Rumble announcement. That match is up next.

Women’s Royal Rumble match:

Jojo does the rules for the match, then she hands the mic to Maria Menounos who introduces Stephanie McMahon. Maria also talks about how these women deserve this match and how proud of them she is. Alexa Bliss and Charlotte come down to ringside for a closer look. Sasha Banks is #1, and Becky Lynch is #2.

Becky starts off with a headlock on Sasha , then Sasha misses a backstabber attempt. Becky hits some arm drags on Sasha, then they clothesline each other down. #3 is Sarah Logan. Sarah hits the ring and starts trying to throw out Becky. Sasha comes at Sarah, but Sarah drops her with a headbuutt. #4 is Mandy Rose, and she immediately goes after Sasha. Rose tries to eliminate Sasha, but Sasha fights away with elbows to the head. Lita is out next at #5. Sasha and Becky double team Lita, but Lita fights back with kicks and a double clothesline. Rose gets back up and fights with Lita in the corner, then Lita hits a monkey flip on her. Rose gets on the apron and hits a knee on Lita, but then taunts to the crowd and Lita shoves Rose outside for the elimination. Kairi Sane is out next at #6. She hits the ring and hits a double spear on Becky and Sasha. She hits a running forearm on Lita, then a flying forearm off the top on Sarah. She takes down Sasha then hits a neckbreaker. She follows up with a flying elbow on Sasha, then hits one on Becky. Tamina is in next at #7. Tamina hits a superkick on Kairi, then Sasha, then Becky. She hits a forearm shot on Logan, then Lita grabs Tamina and hits a DDT on her. Lita hits a Twist of Fate on Sasha. Lita hits a Twist of Fate on Becky next, then she goes up top. Lita hits a moonsault off the top onto Becky and Sasha at the same time. Tamina hits a kick on Lita, but then Lita throws Tamina outside for the elimination. Becky runs up behind Lita and eliminates her. Dana Brooke is in next #8, and she eliminates Kairi, who falls down onto the ring steps. Torrie Wilson is in at #9 and she hits an X-Factor on Sasha Banks. Torrie takes Dana into the corner and fights with her there, while Becky and Sasha fight in the other corner. Torrie dumps Dana outsie for the elimination, then Sonya Deville comes in at #10.

Sonjya hits the ring and starts hitting knees on Torrie Wilson and Becky. Sonya catches Torrie in the corner and throws her outside for the elimination. Molly Holly is out next at #11 and she starts handing out suplexes. She eliminates Sarah Logan, then hits the Molly Bomb on Sasha. Michelle McCool is out next, and we get an “Undertaker” chant from the crowd. McCool start cleaning house and eliminates Sarah Logan, Molly Holly, Lana, and Liv Morgan. Ruby Riott is out next. Sasha and McCool fight on the apron, but neither fall outside. “Excuse Me,” Vickie Guerrero is out next at #16. Vickie screams in the ring on the mic, and the other girls in the rumble gang up on her an throw her outside.

Carmella is in next at #17, but on the way in, Vickie steals her Money In The Bank briefcase and hits Carmella with it from behind. McCool appears to be going for a Styles Clash on Sasha, but they go for a powerbomb instead. Natalya is out next at #18, but Carmella attacks her at ringside. Carmella finally gets in the ring and starts dropping people with superkicks. Carmella and Becky have an awkward exchange that doesn’t really lead to any move, then Carmella kicks Ruby in the face. Kelly Kelly is in next at #19. Natalya tries to throw Kelly Kelly outside, but it doesn’t happen. Sasha kicks Natalya, then Kelly Kelly hits a very slow hurricanrana on McCool. Naomi is in next at #20. Becky goes up top and hits a missile dropkick shortly after Naomi enters, and Naomi rolls out to ringside for a breather. Becky hits t-bone suplexes on Natalya and Carmella. Ruby comes up behind Becky and eliminates her. Jacqueline is out next at #21.

Jacqueline starts dropping people and then starts working on Kelly Kelly. Nia Jax is in next at #22, and she immediately eliminates Jacqueline and Kelly Kelly. Nia throws Ruby into the turnbuckle, then turns around into a kick from Naomi. Naomi goes for a hurricanrana, but Nia throws her down. Nia dumps Naomi to the apron, then knocks her out to ringside, but Naomi lands on some other women and then sits on the barricade, so her feet never hit the floor. Ember moon is in next at #23. She starts going at it with Nia and hits a springboard kick. Naomi is now walking on the barricade, over to an office chair by the timekeeper area. Naomi uses the chair to get over by the ring steps then climb back in the ring. She comes off the top at Nia, but Nia catches her and throws her outside for the elimination. Beth Phoenix is out next at #24. Beth and Nia start trading punches in the middle of the ring. Nia misses a shot in the corner, and Beth goes for a Samoan drop but can’t get Nia up. Beth finally gets Nia up, but Nia elbows her and gets down. Natalya runs back in and teams up with Beth on Nia. They knock Nia out through the middle ropes, then Beth and Natalya hug. Natalya then slaps Beth and throws her outside for the elimination.

Asuka is in next at #25, and Carmella screams and runs outside when she sees her. Asuka goes at it with Ember Moon then eliminates Moon. Mickie James is out next at #26. Mickie hits a splash off the top on Asuka, then a neckbreaker on Sasha. Mickie and Natalya now go at it in the corner, while Carmella nad Sasha fight in the other corner. Nikki Bella runs in and starts dropping women left and right. She hits a springboard kick on Natalya, then Carmella attacks Nikki from behind and stomps on her in the corner. Carmella hits the bronco buster in the corner on Nikki, then they fight over to the apron. Nikki drops Carmella’s neck across the top rope to eliminate her. Nikki is getting ganged up on in the ring now, and Brie Bella enters at #27 for the save. She drops everyone and starts hitting running knees. The Bellas hit a double suplex on Natalya, then work on eliminating her. Bayley is in nect at #29.

Bayley comes in strong and starts dropping everyone. Asuka finally stops her with a spinning heel kick to the face. #30 is Trish Stratus who is out to the ring next. Trish hits a Thesz Press on Natalya and starts pummeling on her. Trish now turns her attention to the Bellas and start chopping them. Trish then hits a double bulldog on the Bellas. Trish charges Bayley in the corner, but Bayley blocks her with a boot. Trish goes back and hits a hurricanrana off the top on Bayley. Trish and Mickie face off now and start trading blows in the middle of the ring. Mickie goes up top, but Trish kicks her down to the outside for the elimination. Nia runs in and drops Trish with a clothesline, then the other women start ganging up on Nia. Nia fights them off, but Asuka and Trish come back and double team her with kicks. The BElla Twins then both try to pull Nia outside from the apron, then the other women join in and all push Nia outside together. Sasha then grabs Bayley from behind and throws her outside for the surprise elimination.

Natalya looks for a Sharpshooter, but she ends up getting eliminated by Trish. Sasha and Trish now face off, and Trish decks her. Sasha comes back and eliminates Trish, then turns around into Asuka. They start going at it, then Sasha tries to throw her outside in the corner. The Bella Twins come over and they start ganging up on Asuka, but the Bella Twins turn on Sasha and throw her outside. The Bella go to double team Asuka, but Asuka fires back at them with strikes, then hits a series of kicks on each of them. Brie is out on the apron, and Nikki hits an elbow to the face to eliminate her. Brie looks shocked at ringside, and Nikki turns around into a shot from Asuka. Asuka goes up top and hits a missile dropkick on Nikki. Nikki comes back with a springboard kick, and both women are down. They fight out to the apron, and Nikki punches Asuka down on the apron. Nikki walks over to her, but Asuka kicks her leg out from under her, and Nikki falls down to the floor for the elimination.

Winner: Asuka

After the match, SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte, and RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss both get in the ring on either side of Asuka. Before Asuka can pick which Champion she wants to face, Ronda Rousey comes out on the stage to interrupt. Rousey walks down to the ring nd points at the WrestleMania sign, then goes to shake Asuka’s hand. Asuka slaps her hand away, then Rousey points at the sign again.

Ronda Rousey walks over to Stephanie McMahon and shakes her hand, although Stephanie is very hesitant, They shake, and Rousey walks to the back to close the show.

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