Home News Laila Ali Comments On Ronda Rousey’s WWE Debut

Laila Ali Comments On Ronda Rousey’s WWE Debut

Laila Ali Comments On Ronda Rousey’s WWE Debut
Ronda Rousey

Back in 2015 when Ronda Rousey was still at the top of the mixed martial arts (MMA) world, “The Rowdy One” was embroiled in a brief feud with female boxing legend Laila Ali. When asked whether or not Rousey could take her in a fight Ali responded “No woman can beat me, period” in an interview with TMZ. Rousey responded to Ali by saying that all she would need is some time to train in the sweet science of boxing, and she was very confident she could beat Ali.

Now nearly three years later Ali was again asked by TMZ about her thoughts on Rousey – but this time in regards to her signing with WWE. Ali had nothing but nice things to say about the ex-UFC women’s bantamweight champion, wishing her all the best in her time with WWE:

“I think it’s cool,” Ali said. “I mean, she retired right? She might as well move on and make it happen. I wish her all the best.”

When asked if she thinks Rousey is a good fit for WWE she asked if Rousey could wrestle, before wishing her the best once again:

“She can wrestle?,” Ali asked. “I wish her all the best.”