Home News Update On WWE Introducing Cruiserweight Tag Titles

Update On WWE Introducing Cruiserweight Tag Titles

Update On WWE Introducing Cruiserweight Tag Titles
NXT Cruiserweight Championship

WWE’s overhaul of 205 Live continues.

As noted earlier, WWE will be introducing a new NXT North American Championship belt at NXT Takeover: New Orleans during WrestleMania weekend. Its now looking like 205 Live will also be getting new gold in the near future.

Last week we reported that WWE was planning to create Cruiserweight tag team titles. Self-proclaimed “Human Belt Encyclopedia” @BeltFanDan has confirmed that Cruiserweight tag titles are indeed on the way – and his sources have confirmed the accuracy of this rending that’s been circulating on social media:

A tournament is currently underway to crown a new Cruiserweight champion, with the finals scheduled to take place at WrestleMania 34. It will be interesting to see if another tournament is held to crown the first ever WWE Cruiserweight tag team champions.

Either way, expect to see more tag team matches on 205 Live in the coming weeks.