WWE RAW Results & Live Discussion (4/16)

The April 16th, 2018 edition of WWE RAW took place at the XL Center in Hartford, CT.

– WWE RAW GM Kurt Angle comes down to the ring and gets on the mic to kick off the show. He’s quickly interrupted by Sunil Singh, who interrupts and introduces Jinder Mahal. Jinder steps in the ring and says that RAW is now the A-show now that hes here. Jinder is happy to be here, but he does complain to Kurt about being driven to the arena in an SUV instead of a limo with a motorcade. Jinder starts trashing the RAW roster until the fans boo him and drown him out. Kurt asks them to email him his list of demands, but declines to give them his real email address. Kurt tells Jinder if he thinks he’s better than everyone on RAW, then he has to prove it. Kurt asks the fans if they want Jinder to prove it, and the crowd cheers, so Kurt introduces Jinder’s first opponent on RAW: Jeff Hardy.

Jeff Hardy vs. Jinder Mahal (C): Jinder’s U.S. Title is on the line in this one. Hardy comes out and gets a big ovation from the crow. Jinder starts off strong in this one, but Hardy comes back with a dropkick and sends Jinder rolling outside. Jeff follows up with a big suicide dive on Jinder and both men crash down to the ringside floor. Jeff starts firing up and coming back but Jinder drops him over the top rope. Jinder looks for a back superplex, but Jeff fights him off and hits the Whisper In The Wind on Jinder. Sunil Singh distracts Jeff from the apron and Jeff kicks him down. Jeff goes back to work on Jinder and hits an inverted atomic drop, then a leg drop. Jeff looks for the Twist of Fate, but Jinder fights out and hits a knee to the face. Jinder pins but Jeff reaches the rope to break the hold. Jinder looks for the Khallas, but Jeff escapes and rolls up Jinder for a two count. Jinder comes back with a boot to the face for another near-fall. Jeff comes back with a kick and a Twist of Fate, then Jeff goes up top. Jeff connects with a Swanton bomb for the three count, and Jeff is the new U.S. Champion.

Winner & new U.S. champion: Jeff Hardy

– Jeff celebrates with the U.S. Title after the match.

– The Miz will be hosting Miz TV later with a mystery guest. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley is up next.

– Jinder Mahal is backstage with Sunil Singh, and Jinder is not happy. Jinder says this was a conspiracy by Kurt Angle, and he was brought to RAW to be embarrassed. Jinder says he’s going to get his U.S. Title back and bring back glory to the USA. As Jinder starts vowing revenge against Kurt Angle, No Way Jose’s music hits and he dances through with a conga line and briefly confronts Jinder.

Sasha Banks vs. Bayley: The opening bell sounds and both women come out strong. Bayley goes for a springboard off the middle rope, but slips, and Sasha takes advantage and beats on Bayley. Bayley finally comes back and hits an elbow to the face, then a spinning reverse suplex off the middle rope for a two count. They fight to the apron and Sasha hits several knees to the face, then throws Bayley back in the ring and hits a flying knee off the top for a two count. They start slapping each other in the face then exchanging punches. Sasha gets the upper hand and hits a running knee to the face, then she locks in the Banks Statement. The Riott Squash runs in and starts beating down Sasha, and the ref calls the bell.

Winner: Bayley via DQ

– After the match, The Riott Squad beats down both Sasha and Bayley.

– Michael Cole tells us that Roman Reigns is here, “unlike The Beast.”

The Authors of Pain vs. Rhyno & Heath Slater: We see a pre-taped promo by Slater and Rhyno before the match. The Authors totally dominate this one off the opening bell, then they focus on Slater. Slater fights free from Rezar and gets the hot tag to Rhyno. Rhyno hits an elbow to the face and then a flying clothesline. Rhyno knocks Akam off the apron, then hits a spear in the corner. Rhyno hits a belly to belly suplex on Rezar for a two count. Akam tags in and they hit the Last Chapter on Rhyno for the three count.

Winners: The Authors of Pain

– The Miz and The Miztourage are in the rin for Miz TV. The Miz introduces his mystery guests — the newest members of the RAW roster — Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Kevin and Sami come to the ring and they have a group hug with Miz, Axel and Dallas. The Miz starts talking about how this group is better than the NWO, and then Kurt Angle comes out to interrupt. Angle says he didn’t approve this, but then Sami interrupts and reads a letter from Stephanie McMahon. The letter from Stephanie apparently says that she is giving Kevin and Sami RAW contracts, and she disagrees with Kurt’s decision last week. Kurt says he’s surprised Stephanie had time to write a letter in between doing physiotherapy for her arm after Ronda Rousey ripped it out at WrestleMania. Kurt says welcome to Kevin and Sami, and also says goodbye to the Miz. Kurt explains that the reason he came out here was to announce that Miz has been traded to SmackDown. The Miz tells the fans to shut it, then tells Kurt that he can’t do that. Kurt says he can, and he did. Miz says Kurt just made SmackDown into the A-show by sending Miz there. The Miz says he and the Miztourage will make SmackDown must-see television, and Kurt points out that Axel and Dallas aren’t going to SmackDown with him. Kurt says he’s giving him a gift, a ten-man tag. Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Bobby Lashley, Braun Strowman, and a debuting WWE star, against the team of The Miz, Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Axel and Dallas. Kurt heads backstage as The Miztourage talks strategy with Miz in the ring.

– We see a pre-taped promo from Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy backstage. They announce that they’re here, and they get ready to come out to the ring.

The Revival vs. Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt: Sheamus and Cesaro join the broadcast team to do commentary for this one. Matt starts off strong, and repeatedly slams Wilder in the corner. Wyatt tags in and hits a boot to the face. Wyatt looks for the Sister abigail, but gets distracted by Dash. Wyatt comes back with an uppercut on Wilder, then Matt tags back in. Matt and Bray hits a leg drop and splash in tandem on Wilder. The Revival comes back with a double team on Matt, then Dawson tags in and pummels on Matt. The Revival double teams Matt some more until Wyatt gets the hot tag. Wyatt cleans house and hits a big running splash on Wilder in the corner. Wyatt follows up with a side suplex. Matt tags in, then Bray drops Dawson on the other side of the ring. Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Wilder for the win.

Winners: Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt

– After the match, The Bar gets up and stands on the announce table and they stare at Matt and Bray in the ring.

– We go to the broadcast team, where Cole introduces a new WWE Network commercial with several wrestlers lip-syncing and dancing.

– Sheamus and Cesaro are backstage talking about how weird Wyatt and Hardy are, and just then The Fashion Police walk in. Fandango says The Fashion Police have been transferred to a new precinct, and Breeze starts trashing Sheamus and Cesaro’s outfits and getting heated. They give Sheamus and Cesaro fashion violation tickets. The Police walk off, and Sheamus and Cesaro start getting heated about their critiques of their appearance.

– The broadcast team runs down tonight’s new arrivals at RAW, including Kevin Owens Sami Zayn, Jinder Mahal, The Riott Squad, and Breezango.

– Ronda Rousey is backstage talking to Kurt Angle about Stephanie and WrestleMania. Kurt says WrestleMania was just the beginning. Kurt says he has a surprise — and then Natalya walks in. Ronda and Natalya hug, and Ronda mentions that they trained together. Natalya thanks Kurt and Ronda, and leaves.

– Nia Jax comes out to the broadcast table to do commentary for the next match.

Ember Moon vs. Mickie James: Mickie and Ember trade arm holds early on, until Moon trips Mickie down and mounts her. Alexa Bliss appears on camera from backstage and says she isn’t coming out to the broadcast table because Nia is a bully, and Alexa doesn’t want to be bullied by Nia again. Back in the ring, Mickie comes back with a knee on Ember and then an elbow to the face. Mickie hits a swinging neckbreaker for a two count, then continues working on Ember. Ember hits a head scissor takedown and then a kick and a knee to the face. Ember hits a kick and a suplex. Ember hits a cartwheel splash in the corner, then goes up top. Ember hits the Eclipse off the top for the three count.

Winner: Ember Moon

– Sami and Kevin are backstage discussing their strategy for tonight’s 10-man tag. Kevin thinks Kurt is setting a trap for them. The Miz interrupts and asks what Shane is like these days, and Kevin and Sami talk about how he’s the worst. Sami tells Miz to focus on tonight’s match, and get his Miztourage in line. Miz snaps his fingers and tells them to focus on tonight’s match, before Miz leaves to make SmackDown must-see.

– Dolph Ziggler comes out on the stage, and it appears he is now on the RAW roster. Ziggler comes down to the ring and gets on the mic and talks about being back on RAW. Ziggler says he’s still the best Superstar to ever walk the aisle, but something changed. Before Ziggler can say what changed, Titus Worldwide comes out to interrupt. Titus welcomes Ziggler back, and he steps in the ring with Apollo and Dana. Titus tries to recruit Ziggler to Titus Worldwide, and he says Ziggler is a multi-talented super star. Ziggler thanks Titus for the offer, but declines. Ziggler says before he got interrupted, he was about to say something changed: he didn’t come to RAW alone. Drew McIntyre then runs in and attacks Titus and Crews from behind. Dolph and Dre continue to beat down Crews and Titus. They hit a double-team Zig Zag and Claymore on Crews before leaving.

– Roman Reigns comes out to the ring next and gets on the mic. Reigns gets on the mic and says once again he’s here, and Brock Lesnar isn’t. He says once again he’s going to face Lesnar, but it’s not going down like last time, because it’s going to be in a steel cage. Reigns says he will be the full-time Universal Champion. Reigns gets interrupted by Samoa Joe’s entrance music, and he gets a “Joe” chant from the crowd. Joe says Reigns comes out and brags about showing up to work, but he never brags about getting the job done because he can’t and never will. Joe says Reigns isn’t getting in the cage with a normal super star, but a Beast who has beaten Reigns not once, not twice, but every time he’s stepped in the ring with him. Joe says he almost feels sorry for Reigns but can’t, because Reigns is too stupid to know his place. Joe says at Backlash, he is going to put the big dog to sleep once and for all. Joe says since Reigns is so fired up tonight, he’s going to remind him what Lesnar did to him and what Joe will do to him, and we go to replays from WrestleMania. Reigns says that’s what Brock has done, and he challenges Joe to come to the ring and show what his “lazy fat ass” can do. Joe teases going in to the ring a couple times, but ends up deciding against it and tells Reigns he’ll see him at Backlash.

Mandy Rose vs. Natalya: Sonya Deville is at ringside in Mandy’s corner. Natalya rolls up Mandy early on and Mandy comes back with a slap to the face. Natalya fires up and kicks Mandy then sends her outside. Sonya distracts Natalya at ringside, which leads to Mandy hitting a knee to the face of Natalya. Back in the ring, Mandy takes control and tries to keep Natalya grounded. Natalya fights back and Mandy misses a kick, which leads to Natalya putting Mandy in a Sharpshooter for the win via submission.

Winner: Natalya

– After the match, Sonya hits the ring and attacks Natalya from behind. Sonya and Mandy beat on Natalya until Ronda Rousey comes out for the save. Sonya goes after Ronda but Ronda drops her with punches, and Mandy hides at ringside. Ronda checks on Natalya and helps her up.

– We see a promo video highlighting Baron Corbin’s career and announcing that Corbin has been traded to the RAW roster.

Sheamus & Cesaro vs. Tyler Breeze & Fandango: Fandango and Cesaro start off, and Fandango examines Cesaro’s camo jacket in the corner. Cesaro grabs Fandango and starts working him over. Cesaro goes for a sunset flip, but Fandango reverse and dances over Cesaro. Breeze tags in and starts fighting with Cesaro. Cesaro hits a European uppercut and then tags in Sheamus, and they start taking turns double teaming Breeze. A mix-up in the corner leads to Breeze rolling up Sheamus from behind to steal the three count.

Winners: Breezango

– Sheamus and Cesaro are shocked and outraged at the finish to the match, as they look at Breezango in shock. Breeze and Fandango retreat up the ramp and celebrate their win.

– Elias does an interview in the back where he trashes Bobby Lashley for interrupting him last night. He says Lashley should sit in the stands and worship him with the rest of the fans. Elias says he won’t perform for the fans tonight, but he knows Renee is a big fan so he’ll do a private concert for her. Renee says they don’t have time for a performance right now, but Elias tells her to shut her mouth and he starts playing. Elias keeps playing, and Renee sends it back to Michael Cole.

– Cole, Graves and Coach discuss the upcoming 10-man tag main event. They also announce that Brock Lesnar is scheduled to return on next week’s RAW.

– Bobby Roode enters last in the 10-man tag main event to make his RAW debut.

Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, The Miz, Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas vs. Bobby Lashley, Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, & Bobby Roode: Rollins and Owens start this one off, and Owens starts strong when he catches Rollins off-guard with a series of kicks. Owens stomps on Rollins while he’s down, then hits him with knees in the corner. Rollins comes back with a face buster in the corner, then a flying clothesline off the top. Rollins throws Owens outside, then hits a suicide dive on him. Axel tags in and Rollins tags in Roode. Roode hits a vertical suplex on Acel, then tags in Balor who continues the offense on Axel. Axel backs Balor into the heel corner, and Owens and Dallas take turns beating on Balor now. Dallas continues to beat on Balor, before tagging in The Miz. Lashley and Sami get the tags and Lashley hits a series of shots in the corner. Lashley knocks Owens off the apron, then clotheslines Sami down. Lashley lifts up Sami and hits a stalling vertical suplex, then he gorilla press slams Miz out of the ring on to the other heels at ringside. Chaos breaks out between all 10 men at ringside, and it comes down to Owens and Rollins in the ring. The Miz tags in now and hits a DDT on Rollins for a two count. Rollins hits a shot on the Miz and both men are down. Rollins looks for a tag, but Dallas and Axel go pulls his partners off the apron then run away. Strowan slams Owens and Zayn at ringside, then Rollins tags in Roode. Axel also tags in. Roode cleans house and then hits a splash and a neckbreaker on Axel. Roode looks for the Glorious DDT, but Axel fights out. Roode coes back with a blockbuster rfor a two count. Axel stuns Roode and Miz tags in, but Roode clotheslines him down. Strowman gets the tag and The Miz flees the ring. Strowman chases down Miz, and knocks down everyone else in his way. Strowman slams Miz into the fan barricade then takes him back in the ring. Miz tries to fight him off, but Strowman hits him then clotheslines him. The Miztourage runs in, which leads to Strowman hitting his shoulder on the ring post. Balor runs in and drops Dallas, then Rollins drops Axel and hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Roode hits the Glorious DDT on Sami, then Kevin hits the superkick on Roode. Lashley runs in and elbows Owens in the face, then hits a spinebuster. Miz throws Lashley outside, and it’s down to Miz and Strowman. The Miz hits some running dropkicks on Braun in the corner, but Strowman blocks the last one with a dropkick of his own. Miz looks to tag Axel and Dallas, but they hop off the apron and betray Miz. The crowd chants in support of Axel and Dallas, while Miz is left alone in the ring with Braun. THe Miz turns around into Braun, and Braun slams him in the corner and then hits the running powerslam for the three count.

Winners: Bobby Lashley, Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, & Bobby Roode

– The winners stand tall in the ring as The Miz recovers on the ringside floor and the other losers retreat up the ramp.

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