Home News Would Impact Wrestling Sign Enzo Amore?

Would Impact Wrestling Sign Enzo Amore?

Would Impact Wrestling Sign Enzo Amore?
Enzo Amore

Enzo Amore revealed on Twitter recently that no charges will be filed against him and the investigation of sexual assault allegations has been closed.

The statement he posted also revealed that the former WWE Star will be returning to the Entertainment Industry and since then people have been discussing if Impact Wrestling could be his next destination.

During a recent media call, Impact’s co-executive vice president Don Callis was asked about the former WWE Cruiserweight Champion possibly joining their company.

Replying to it, the Impact Official claimed that talents are evaluated based on needs and what they are looking to do and said that you should never say never:

“Never say never. You evaluate talent based on need and what you’re looking to do. We have a long term plan for how we engage with talent in terms of who’s gonna be on the roster, what roster spots we need filled, etcetera. So you know… as with any other talent, I think time will tell.”

While this answer hardly reveals whether the company has any interest in Enzo or not, the statement does not end any possibilities either.

So while it may not happen in the foreseeable future, there is a chance that Enzo Amore will end up working for the company formerly known as TNA somewhere down the line.

Discussion: Do you think Impact should also hire Enzo after hiring another former Cruiserweight Champion Rich Swann? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.