Home News Triple H Comments on John Cena Competing In NXT

Triple H Comments on John Cena Competing In NXT

Triple H Comments on John Cena Competing In NXT

Alex McCarthy of Give Me Sport caught up with Triple H and Shawn Michaels ahead of the WWE UK Tournament. They discussed the possibility of John Cena competing in NXT. Triple H joked that he wouldn’t be able to afford Cena’s pay on his NXT budget but if Cena came to him and said he wanted to do something at a TakeOver, he would be open to it.

Cena has been opened in working a match with Velveteen Dream in the past, we could very well see them wrestle in the nearby future. More on that story here.

John Cena’s Part-Time Status

Cena has been part-time with WWE, his last appearance was at the Greatest Royal Rumble in Saudi Arabia. His next appearance is until October at the big Australia tour. Cena has been busy with Hollywood making appearances for many of his films and starring in upcoming roles as well. More on that here.

Time will tell on what’s next for the Leader of the Cenation and SEScoops will be here to report the news.