Home News Kane Is Now The Mayor Of Knox County, Tennessee

Kane Is Now The Mayor Of Knox County, Tennessee

Kane Is Now The Mayor Of Knox County, Tennessee
Glenn Jacobs for Mayor of Knox County, TN (2018)

The Big Red Machine is now the mayor of Knox County in Knoxville, Tennesse.

Glenn Jacob’s (Kane) win comes from the defeat of Democratic participant Linda Haney. After polls ended after 8 p.m. ET, Jacobs had a 2-1 win lead according to absentee votes and a win was inevitable.

Mayor Jacobs Takes Center Stage

Jacobs is the third person from the WWE to acquire a position in a political office. First being Jessie Ventura when he won the mayor position for Brooklyn Park, Minnesota in the ’90’s and then becoming governor from ’99-2003. Second being Linda McMahon as she is currently apart of Trump’s cabinet as head of Small Business Administration.

Congratulations to the new mayor of Knox County, The Big Red Machine Kane.