Home News AEW AEW Files New Trademark Application

AEW Files New Trademark Application

AEW Files New Trademark Application
All Elite Wrestling

All Elite Wrestling has filed a trademark application for the phrase, “Change The Universe.” According to the US Patent & Trademark Office, the filing took place last week, January 17th.

The application covers a very broad range of uses, including Live streaming of video pay-per-view events on the internet, merchandise, organizing and staging entertainment events with wrestling fan club members, providing online newsletters in the fields of sports entertainment and dozens more.

The usage is so broad that it suggests “Change The Universe” might be the slogan for the promotion.

AEW Trademarks

AEW has pending trademark applications for several other phrases. Some of these pending trademarks are already in use, while others have yet to be rolled out.

The company is actively using the phrases AEW, All Elite Wrestling and Double Or Nothing. Double or Nothing is the first live wrestling event under the AEW banner. That show takes place Saturday, May 25th from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ticket information for that show is coming soon.

Fight for the Fallen is another AEW trademark we recently uncovered. AEW Executive Vice President has been talking about an AEW live event scheduled for July. That event from Jacksonville, Florida will benefit the victims of gun violence.

AEW trademarks not currently in use are AEW All Out (presumably the name of a live event) and Tuesday Night Dynamite.