Home News Update On NXT UK Talent Contract Situation

Update On NXT UK Talent Contract Situation

Update On NXT UK Talent Contract Situation

We reported multiple changes to the NXT UK contracts at the tail end of 2018. Yet whilst there were conflicting reports the actual reality of the situation is still no closer to being clear.

The Wrestling Observer recently made some comments on the contractual situation of certain NXT UK Superstars. Millie McKenzie and Charlie Morgan of Pro Wrestling: EVE reportedly left the brand at the end of 2018. Although, this was not widely publicised. The Observer suggests that EVE may be the reason for Morgan leaving the WWE UK brand. The WON wrote that “Morgan has attracted a lot of mainstream press as the “Ace” of Pro Wrestling Eve, including a recent appearance on the BBC’s general affairs magazine show, The One Show.” Whilst McKenzie’s decision to leave NXT UK “may have been influenced by her desire to continue to perform in intergender matches.”

There’s further confusion with regards to talent still contracted to NXT UK. The Observer specifically mentions Nina Samuels, the Pro Wrestling: EVE Champion and NXT UK Superstar. The Observer wrote “despite previous suggestions that WWE UK talent could not work for Pro Wrestling EVE, at their recent Global Strike 2, Nina Samuels retained her title over Emi Sakura, whilst Kay Lee Ray won a number one contender tournament.”

Essentially, the situation is still no clearer than it was at the end of 2018.