Nick Aldis Says It’s Time For NWA “To Make A Move”

Nick Aldis says its time for the NWA to "make a move."

Tomorrow night ROH and the NWA will jointly present the Crockett Cup. The return of the famed tag-team tournament might represent the last joint venture between the two promotions, however. According to comments NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nick Aldis made recently, it’s time for the NWA to make a move and that could mean a move away from ROH.

“We’ve benefitted each other but we are ready to move. We’ve had some very good momentum for a short period of time and we know that one way or another in the next few months after the Crockett Cup – depending on how things shake out there – it’s going to be time for us to make a move,” Aldis told the Sporting News. “Where that takes us in terms of our existing relationships with Ring of Honor or anybody else, who knows.”

No NWA Championship Match At G1 Supercard

Aldis also addressed why there was no NWA World Heavyweight Championship match at the G1 Supercard in Madison Square Garden earlier this month.

“They didn’t want it,” said Aldis. “I’m not going to sit here and politically dance around and give some bullsh-t answer as to why that didn’t happen. They didn’t want it.”

Aldis would continue to say the NWA made several pitches to get a title match on the show.

“We did offer them – I volunteered to wrestle Jyushin ‘Thunder’ Liger at that show for the title. I pitched that. Hell, if I had known that Muta was going to be at that show, I would have pitched me and Great Muta.”

The Great Muta appeared in the Honor Rumble match on the pre-show.

“They obviously decided that what they had to offer and the debuts they had in mind and the other things they had in mind, the obviously decided that those were more fitting of Madison Square Garden than the NWA champion who had been the first one to defend the title there since Harley Race in 1980. But, hey, I’ll get there and I’ll do it on my terms and it will be a great night.”

The full interview can be read here.

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