Home News TNA Impact Bound For Glory 2019 Results & Live Coverage (10/20)

Impact Bound For Glory 2019 Results & Live Coverage (10/20)

Impact Bound For Glory 2019 Results & Live Coverage (10/20)
Impact Wrestling presents Bound For Gory

Impact’s Bound For Glory 2019 took place on October 20th at the Odeum Expo Center in Chicago, Illinois.

20-Person Call Your Shot Gauntlet Match: Before the opening bell, the signal cuts out on Fite.tv and we get a loading circle with a message reading “no signal from venue.” We’re back, and Eddie Edwards is in the ring first. Reno Scum and Jake Deaner are in next. Rohit Raju is in net, and then Joey Ryan comes in and hits the mega flip on everyone in the ring at once. Ryan eliminates Rohit. Jessicka Havoc is in next, then Rosemary. Madman Fulton is in next, then Cody Deaner. After a series of matches, it’s down to Fulton, Edwards, and Luster. Johnny Swinger is in next, but he poses at ringside for a while instead of getting in the ring. Jordynne Grave is out next, and then Swoggle enters. Swoggle chases Swinger into the ring, then he starts biting and attacking people. Swoggle kicks out Grace’s knee then follows up with a boot to the face. Kiera Hogan is out next and gets into it with Grace. Swoggle bites her backstage, but she no-sells it and shakes her booty then kicks Swoggle down. Grace eliminates Hogan now, then Raj Singh enters. Tommy Dreamer enters next and drops Singh, then bites Fulton and spits water in his eyes. Kylie Rae enters next and starts superkicking people, then hits a cannonball in the corner on Singh. Singh gets eliminated, then Dreamer gets eliminated. Fallah Bahh enters next, and after a series of eliminations it’s down to Bahh, Fulton, Rae, Swoggle, Grace and Edwards. Sabu enters next and beats on Fulton and Bahh. Shera is the final entrant and he starts cleaning house. It’s now down to Edwards, Fulton, Bahh, and Shera. Shera lifts up Bahh and launches him outside. Edwards starts beating on Shera now, but then Fulton runs over Edwards. Fulton tosses Edwards to Shera, and Shera throws Edwards down. Shera and Fulton start throwing punches at each other in the middle of the ring now. Fulton boots Shera in the face, then Edwards clotheslines Fulton out of the match. Fulton pulls Edwarsd out to ringside and chokeslams him on the apron. Back in the ring, Edwards recovers and nails Shera with the Boston Knee Party for the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

– We go to Josh Matthews and Don Callis at the commentary table, and they preview some of the other matches on tonight’s card.

Taya Valkyre (c) vs. Tenille Dashwood: The Impact Knockouts Championship is on the line in this one. Johnny Bravo is at ringside. The opening moments of this one are fairly evenly matched between Champion and Challenger. The fight spills out to the apron, and Taya hits package piledriver on Dashwood on the edge of the ring. Back in the ring, Taya pins for a two count. Taya wastes some time and Tenille finally starts fighting back. Tenille hits a splash in the corner and pins, but Johnny Bravo gets involved from ringside. The referee ejects Bravo from ringside, and on his way out, Bravo appears to slide brass knuckles or a chain to Taya. Taya swings at Tenilla with the chair, but Tenilla ducks and drops her. Tenilla grabs the chain and throws it out of the ring. Tenilla misses a shot and Taya comes back with the Road to Valhalla. Taya pins for the three count to retain her Title.

Winner: Taya Valkyre

– Rhino and RVD are backstage for a promo. Rhino says they’re coming for the Tag Titles, and he’s going to hit the Gore, Gore, Gore. RVD adds that they might also see a Van Daminator from RVD.

– We go to a video package looking at the three-way feud for the World Tag Team Titles.

Rhyno & RVD vs. Rich Swann & Willie Mack vs. The North (c) The Impact World Tag Team Titles are on the line in this one. This one is a chaos in the opening moments, and Alexander starts working over Rhino now. Page tags back in but Rhino drops him with a spinebuster. RVD gets the tag and hits some kicks and a split-legged moonsault for a two count. Swan and Alexander go at it now, and Alexander hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Page comes back in and hits a big back body drop on Swann, but then Swann fights back with a DDT. RVD and Rhino get back in the mix now and they clear the ring. RVD looks for a Five Star Frog Splash, but Alexander holds his ankle and pulls him down on the turnbuckle. Mack climbs the opposite turnbuckle and hits a frog splash of his own. Swann dives in for the pin for a two count. RVD leaps off the turnbuckle now with a flying kick to Swann’s face. Alexander comes in and hits Death Valley Driver on RVD, then Rhino takes out Alexander. Mack dropkicks Rino out of the ring, then hits a suicide dive on them at ringside. Back in the ring, Page slams Swann, then hits a senton for a two count. Mack comes in now, but then RVD comes in and starts dropping people. Rhino gets in the ring and sets up for the Gore, but RVD swerves him and boots Rhino in the face. The crowd boos , and then RVD superkicks Mack, then Swann. RVD talks some trash to Rhino, then The North double teams Swann for the three count.

Winners & still Tag Champs: The North

– We go backstage where Ace Austin comes out of the show and acts surprised to see he’s in the women’s locker room. Alusha Edwards tells him to leave and they exchange words. Austin says he’s looking for the after party, and he’ll walk in as the new X Division Champion.

Michael Elgin vs. Naomichi Marufuji: Elgin gets in some good offense in the opening moments, then Marufuji starts mounting a comeback and they trade chops in the middle of the ring. Marufuji goes out to ringside, then Elgin hits a suicide dive on him. Back in the ring, Marufuji reverses a suplex and they start trading strikes again. Elgin comes back with a backbreaker and a Falcon Arrow for a two count. They trade strikes again, then they fight out to the apron, where Marufuji drops Elgin on the floor. Marufuji follows up with the Sliced Bread #2 from the apron to the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Marufuji hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Elgin comes back with a dragon suplex, some lariats, and a mountain bomb for a two count. Marufuji fights back with knees to the face for a two count of his own. Marufuji hits the Sliced Bread #2 again for another two count. After some more back and forth, Elgin takes control and hits a buckle Elgin bomb for a two count. Elgin gets frustrated and nails Marufuji in the head now. Elgin follows up with a reverse Death Valley Driver for the three count.

Winner: Michael Elgin

Jake Crist (c) vs. Tessa Blanchard vs. Daga vs. Ace Romero vs. Ace Austin This one is a ladder match for the X-Division Title. This one is total chaos from the opening bell. Romero looks for a suicide dive, but Daga and Blanchard nail him with a ladder. Daga and Blanchard crash into the corner on a ladder, while Crist drops Romero. Austin hits a back suplex on Crist, and then Daga gets back in the ring and starts hitting a flurry of kicks. Austin and Blanchard start going at it, and Blanchard sends him out to the floor. She climbs the ladder, but Romero takes her down with a Samoan drop. This one is total chaos now. Daga hits a Canadian Destroyer on Crist through a ladder bridged across the ring and the barricade. Austin then climbs a ladder and hits a dive to the outside on Daga. Romero sets up another ladder and climbs, but Tessa shoves it over and Romero falls the way down to ringside and through a table. The ladder falls out of the ring and on top of him after. Blanchard starts climbing another ladder, and Crist tries to stop her, but she hits a dive on him. Fulton comes in and throws her in the corner hard. Fulton sets up a table, and Tessa climbs the top rope. Tessa yells at Fulton “come on mother f–ker”, and she ends up giving him a hurricanrana into the ladder. Tessa climbs the ladder, but Crist runs up and meets her on top. Tessa slams Crist’s head into the ladder, then throws Crist down through a table in the ring. Tessa climbs climbing, but then Austin runs up and nails Tessa in the head iwth his baton. Austin grabs the title for the win.

Winner & new X-Division Champion: Ace Austin

– We go to a video package looking at the feud between Ken Shamrock and Moose.

– Moose and Frank Trigg cut a promo backstage before the match.

Ken Shamrock vs. Moose: Frank Trigg is at ringside for this one. Moose and Ken trade strikes in the opening moments, then Ken looks for a submission but Moose grabs the ropes. Ken dumps Moose outside, then Shamrock hits a suicide dive on Moose. They brawl at ringside now, then Shamrock hits another suicide dive on Moose. On the way back in the ring, Frank Trigg interferes, which leads to Moose fighting back in the ring. Ken leaps up from the mat and hits a hurricanrana on Moose. Ken looks for another submission, but Moose pulls the ref into Ken for a ref bump. Frank slides a steel chair in the ring and Moose picks it up. Moose yells at Shamerock, and Shamrock says “F you.” Moose swings the chair and misses. Shamrock drops Moose and puts him in the ankle lock, and the ref is now getting back to his feet. Frank Trigg gets involved again but Shamrock kicks him out of the ring. Moose starts beating on Ken now, and Moose looks for a moonsault off the top, but misses. Ken applies the ankle lock, but Moose fights out and throws Ken into the ring post. Moose hits the big spear for the three count.

Winner: Moose

– Josh Matthews and Don Callis announce Impact’s next pay-per-view, titled Hard To Kill.

– We go to a video package looking at the feud between Sami Callihan and Brian Cage.

Brian Cage (c) vs. Sami Callihan: It’s all Cage in the opening moments of this one as he pummels on Callihan. Cage uses his “Wolverine” claws to bust open Sami. The fight spills out to ringside and they take turns hitting suicide dives on each other. They continue brawling at ringside, and Sami nails Brian with a steel cage. Brian comes back and powerbombs Sami into the ring post. Sami hits a shot off the ring steps, and they trade blows at ringside now. Brian gives Sami a back suplex on the timekeeper’s table, but the table doesn’t break, so Cage gives him another one, and the table halfway-breaks this time. Brian grabs a piece of the guard rail, and he lays it across the ring steps and some unfolded chairs, like a bridge. Brian brings Sami on the ring steps, but Sami hits him with a low-blow, and then he piledrives Brian on to the bridged piece of the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Cage and Callihan trade shots, and Cage starts getting the upper hand after a kick to the head. Sami finally starts fighting back and he bits Cage. Sami hits a low blow on Cage and then superkicks him on the corner. The piece of the fan barricade is now laying up against the turnbuckle in the ring, and Sami powerbombs Cage into it for a two count. Sami pours thumbtacks in the ring now, then cage grabs him and gives him a piledriver. Cage pins but Sami kicks out at one, and Cage can’t beleive it. Cage gives Sami a suplex, and then hits his finisher on Sami on the thumb tacks for the three count. Sami and Cage are both bleeding by the end of this one.

Winner & still Champion: Brian Cage

– Cage’s wife comes out after the match and celebrates the win with Cage as Bound For Glory goes off the air.