Home News CM Punk Talks Harley Race, Roddy Piper, & His Love Of Hockey

CM Punk Talks Harley Race, Roddy Piper, & His Love Of Hockey

CM Punk Talks Harley Race, Roddy Piper, & His Love Of Hockey
CM Punk

Noted hockey fan CM Punk appeared on Sportsnet’s 31 Thoughts show recently. He talked about his new movie, his love of hockey, Roddy Piper, and why he decided to get a tattoo of Harley Race.

During the conversation, the topic of Roddy Piper came up and how Piper would say he walked to the ring slowly so the announcers could talk about him.

“(Piper) was one of the smarter guys that I had ever fortunately been able to talk to,” Punk said. “So, that’s not a surprise to me, that just makes sense.”

“I don’t think enough people in the wrestling business today look at the business from that kind of perspective. I think a lot of people there they’re doing what they saw somebody else do on television. That’s why it’s just kind of – it feels washed, it feels repeated. I bet that Piper probably also did that because nobody else was. He’d watch everybody run to the ring, what’s the opposite of that? That’s how I thought when I was in WWE.”

Punk also spoke about his relationship with Harley Race early in his career during the interview. He is planning to get a Harley Race tattoo to commemorate the impact he had on his career.

“The Harley Race tattoo is in motion, so to speak,” Punk said during the interview. He also mentioned a tattoo he has honoring the late Mitsuharu Misawa.

“Harley was a big piece of my career whether people realize it or not,” Punk continued. “He’s somebody who deserves to be memorialized.”

Punk also talks about getting tattoos to honor Chicago sports victories, such as the Blackhawks winning the Cup and the Cubs winning the World Series.

The full interview with Punk can be viewed in the player below: