Home News Sean Waltman Pushing For DX Reunion & Knocks “PG DX”

Sean Waltman Pushing For DX Reunion & Knocks “PG DX”


Former WWE & TNA star Sean “X-Pac” Waltman went on Twitter yesterday and said he’s working on getting a DX reunion together. Waltman wrote:

“Im working on getting a tour of Europe w/a DX Reunion of Myself & The New Age Outlaws. Any reputable promoters interested, FB mesg me.”

When asked by a Twitter follower how he’d be able to promote a DX reunion when WWE owns the rights to the DX trademarks, Waltman replied:

“Well …..Who cares? There would have no longer been a DX when Shawn quit after losing to Austin. We were the real degenerates.”

Later, he spoke about the most recent incarnation of DX (Shawn Michaels, Triple H and all that bad comedy):

“Everyone already had that watered down version of a dx reunion. Not HHH & Shawns fault though .. I just mean that the content was watered down because of the whole PG thing. No disrespect. I love them both dearly.”