Home News AEW Jim Ross Talks WWE Getting Matt Hardy ‘More Over’ Before He Left

Jim Ross Talks WWE Getting Matt Hardy ‘More Over’ Before He Left

Jim Ross Talks WWE Getting Matt Hardy ‘More Over’ Before He Left
Matt Hardy

AEW commentator Jim ‘JR’ Ross recently discussed new All Elite signing Matt Hardy on the most recent episode of the Grilling Jr podcast.

This week’s episode of the show focused on WrestleMania 9, Jim Ross’ first ever live broadcast for the company. One of the topics brought up during the show was that of ‘burying’ talent as they are leaving the company. This is something that has been a topic of contention in the past with fans, with JR believing that people who are featured on television aren’t being ‘buried’ as they are getting air time.

WWE Writing Matt Hardy off TV

The aforementioned Matt Hardy was a prominent part of the Randy Orton/Edge programme before he left WWE. Before this, Hardy was sparsely used on WWE television, and this high profile feud was the first we had really heard or seen from Hardy on Monday Night RAW.

“Why would you have someone on your payroll…and you’re paying them,” JR began. “And you’re traveling them, you’re putting them on television. If you want their character to die?”

“That’s like when WWE was going to do the last few things with Matt Hardy. That was their intent [WWE], to bury Matt Hardy, right? But for their own mismanagement and lack of attention to detail and lack of common sense, they got Matt Hardy over more on his way out than they did while he was there.”

JR would finish by lambasting WWE for the way that they dealt with Hardy on the way out. “He was doing promos, he was in hot angles. He’s with Randy Orton blah blah blah. So you’re not burying him, you’re getting him over, dumbass. And so now Matt Hardy’s in AEW which is going to be great for us, I think.”

Did WWE ‘Bury’ Hardy?

Traditionally, talents would ‘do the job’ on their way out of a ‘territory.’ Matt Hardy was attacked by Randy Orton brutally with a chair to build up the Edge feud, thus taking him off of television.

In 2020, a lot of fans are well aware of Hardy’s social media/YouTube work and he has been using this to build to his eventual move to AEW. So with WWE putting Hardy on television, it’s arguable that they really didn’t do any damage to his character at all.

Do you feel that WWE ‘buried’ Matt Hardy on his way out of the company? Let us know in the comments

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